The Past and the Present

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[TW: Blood, needles, torture and mentions of killing. This chapter will mainly be insight into Shiver's past]

As a small child Subject #83104105118101114 was kept away from the others their age, they had no idea why but they obeyed what the strange people in white coats said. As they grew older they started training with kids that were 10+ years older than them, in all the practice battles #83104105118101114 always won despite being younger and less trained.

As soon as they hit puberty that's when the torture started, anytime they weren't on the battle field subject #83104105118101114 had the shock collar on them. They would have more than regular injections with a strange glowing liquid, then came the IV's . Soon they began to grow aggressive towards all the other octolings, fights were a normal thing between #83104105118101114 and others. The others began to pick on #83104105118101114, taking their food, juice, weapons, hiding their ink tank and armour.

After a while it grew too much and the shark instincts took over, after a small fight #83104105118101114 smelt blood. They went on a rampage killing 15 soldiers, 3 scientists and 7 engineers. After the rampage they proceeded to have a meltdown which allowed the doctors to safely inject them with a anestisia and transport them to their observation cell. After the incident subject #83104105118101114 was only allowed to exit the cell for their battle shifts.

At one point they broke their shock collar which led to their meeting with Marina. The two became friends which resulted in Marina sneaking #83104105118101114 special foods and drinks, like juice and lollies. After Marina went AWOL, subject #83104105118101114 grew aggressive once more, they went on another rampage on their battle and killed all octarian soldiers on said battle shift.

After the second incident the scientists and doctors grew annoyed and aggressive toward #83104105118101114. When #10008 went AWOL the scientists seemed to disappear, until the worst day of their life. The doctors slammed into their room and injected them with barely any anestsia and proceeded to remove their shark like fin as subject #83104105118101114 screamed out in pain, due to blood loss they passed out.

They woke up with wounds all over them and and IV and needles jabbed in their arm. They were saved by Frye and Big Man and found their own name, Shiver, they were able to keep in touch with Marina and Deep Cut even preformed a few gigs with Off The Hook.

Shiver is happy, they had their life turned upside down for the worse and then upside down for the best. Shiver has scars from the past but they are reminders of how bad their life was and how good it is now.

[That is the end of this chapter, I hope you enjoyed. Any feed back is much appreciated]

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