Your beauty never scared me

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[So this fic is based before Shiver and Frye get together but Frye uses romantic nicknames as platonic nicknames for Shiver]

Frye flopped onto the beat up couch as Shiver sat in one of the seats close by as Big Man had gone to get food "For our first gig a lot of people showed up!" Frye exclaimed.

Shiver hummed scrolling through their iPad, they were looking at the comments from the stream of their first gig.

"They were cheering so loud! I still have adrenaline!" Frye said excitedly.

Shiver nodded, frowning and narrowing their eyes at the screen "Are you okay? You're not usually this silent."

Shiver looked up "Yeah.. I'm fine."

Frye got up "You sure?" She moved over to Shiver's seat and sat on one of arm rests.

Shiver nodded once more scrolling through more comments, Frye leaned over their shoulder. Frye's eyes widened at the comments, Shiver didn't bother stopping scrolling, some of the comments included.

<anonymous> The octoling looks so scary!!! doesn't fit the vibe the other two have

<anonymous> I can't belive they let the octoling preform, she could hurt someone at any moment

<anonymous> the music would be so much better with out the octoling

<anonymous> why does the octoling look so weird? Like are you emo or something

<anonymous> the blue ones outfit is so revealing!! You look like a whore!

Silent tears rolled down Shiver's face as Frye looked over to them "Aww, sweetie, you shouldn't listen to them." Frye said softly.

Shiver threw the iPad and hugged Frye tightly, the inkling moved off the armrest and sat next to Shiver. Frye hugged the octoling back and rubbed their back soothingly "They sound just like every one else from the army.." Shiver sobbed into her shoulder.

"They have no idea what their talking about." Frye whispered "Your beauty never scared me."

The two continued to sit like that until Big Man came with the food.

[That is the end of this chapter, I hope you enjoyed. Any feed back is much appreciated]

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