Reactions to an insult

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when you look in the mirror, all you do is point out your flaws.
"my smile is too wide"
"my nose is too fat"
"my eyes look weird when I smile"
everyone does this, it's inevitable. narcissism isn't rare, but on the inside do you really think that self confident person is that happy with themselves?

learning to be happy with all of your flaws, will make you have REAL confidence, and that will open up many doors. instead of walking by the mirror and scolding yourself for smiling like that, compliment your dimples and freckles. instead of standing in front of the mirror and staring at your pores, look at your eyes, and how no! they aren't hazel! they also have blue and grey in them that make them sparkle. everyone is so beautiful but we put others down, teach them that they aren't special or worth it. then they go home and pick out their flaws one by one and make a list of why they hate them when guess what? so what if I smile really big? it's a pretty neat smile! why would I want 2 dimples? having one is so much more unique! my nose is fat? well atleast its being fed well! In reality, no nice person is going to go around and pick out everyones flaws that they walk by. they're already insecure so they're probably worried you look better than them and when they insult you, they're only trying to make themselves feel better. compliment them on their hair, or smile. someone will return the favor.

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