Pt. 22

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"W..what" Lily whispers she couldn't have possibly heard her mom right she was just a normal woman sure she was unlucky as hell but she was just a normal person. Her mom had to just joking around right? " Lily I'm so sorry I should have told you earlier a part of me always hoped he would just give up on the search for you" her mom says softly before walking back into the living room sitting on the couch defeated. Lily take shaky steps as she sits in the stot beside her " Mom I have more questions for you will you promise to be truthful with me from now on?" her mom nods her head looking into her lap. Lily was hesitant she just hoped her mom would be truthful with her now that the secret was out " Why does I'm I so unlucky does god hate me?". She didn't want to tell her about Alexander just yet or the fact that she know that she haven't had a guardian angel basically her whole life. Her mom let's out a little laugh sitting up straight looking at her daughter " He doesn't hate you's me he hates. I grow up knowing about the magical and supernatural world my parents had many friends in the community I would even say I was close friends with Jesus although everyone now calls him God I always thought before that maybe he liked me that's why he wanted me to stay away from Alistair so much. He would always tell me Alistair was no good and to find someone else better but of course I never listened and completely pushed him away. When I got pregnant with you he was so furious I never seen him that mad before" her mom takes a pause remembering the furious expression on his face the moment he found out. He was always so caring to her but he when mad he could get vengeful and that moment proved it " When you were born he refused to give you a guardian angel and said he would never look over you for protection. I thought maybe he was just angry and would come around after he cooled down but no after that day I never saw or heard from him again. Since the very first day of your life you been unlucky and I was his fault I'm sorry Lily..." she mom covered her face in shame and pain she couldn't bare the fact that she kept this from her daughter all these years. But would she say she regretted getting pregnant? because it gave her Lily. Lily sits there in complete shock of all the information her mom just gave here " Wow" she says softly standing up feeling slightly overwhelmed she felt the need to escape she walks towards the door she mom stands up grabbing her hand but Lily snatches it away. She was hurt that her mom wouldn't tell her about all this sooner now she has to deal with the aftermath of her mom's past mistakes " I need time mom I...I just can't be around you right now" she says not facing her mom and walks out the door leaving her mom a crying mess.


When Lily felt like reality was to much she would always come here to a grassy hill at the edge of town. She could see the lights from the city it was now night and she sat on the hood of her car legs crossed looking up at the clear sky stars sparkling. She had know clue who she even was anymore...she aways thought she was just some unlucky person but now finds out she's some part demon freak. Everything she thought she know was completely flipped on its head " How did it go with your mom...get the answers you were looking for?" she hears the voice beside her ask. She didn't even has to look to know who it was " I did but I kinda wish I didn't" she whispers looking over at Alex he was wearing a somewhat casual all white outfit gym shorts and a t-shirt with a snap back. She told him she was going to see her mom today he was going to respect her privacy about the situation but when he felt how sad she was he had to come to her he hesitantly reached up his hand smoothing over her back. She leans her head on his shoulder in a way she's happy Alex just poofed into her life if he hadn't she probably would have never found out the truth. Now that she finally found out that she was half demon what did that mean for her and Alexander 'relationship' was there even a relationship between them at all. It's  obvious they felt the connection between each other but was there more there than just that " Alexander?" she says softly pulling away from him looking up in his clear blue eyes. Hesitantly she asked the question that's been on her mind " What are we...?" she was hoping he would give her a positive answer.

(Mia note: Wow a double update in one day and I leave you on a cliffhanger

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