Prologue: Flashback

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Hey everyone! Just a few things before the story beings. This is my first ever story I'm writing in Wattpad and I created the cover on Canva. It my take a while for the entire story to be finished since I'm quite busy. Also I don't own the Naruto characters only the ones I create which I'll have a list on a few chapters so you know which characters I've created/ belong to me. Also I'm mixing a bit of the Marvel series in here to making it a little more entertaining/interesting. I don't own any Marvel characters, except the ones I create.

Note: Any words that are slanted are thoughts and any words that are slanted and bold are telepathic conversations.

My Characters:

Gaby Dracana, Tony Dracana, & Shane Dracana

Gaby Dracana, Tony Dracana, & Shane Dracana

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Gaby's View

(10 years ago)

I couldn't think, I couldn't move. I was paralyzed in place by what I had just seen happen in front of me. My family slaughtered, my friends murdered, my entire village... destroyed. Everywhere I looked there was smoke and fire. I'm the only survivor, I thought, I'm the only one who survived the massacre.  Though I knew who the killer was, my older brother Shane.

I heard the laughter of my older brother Shane behind me. I slowly turned around, "You shouldn't be here." he told me, "You should run while you still can, before the monster takes over and I have to kill you too."

I looked at him with anger, finally having the strength to say something, "Why do you care what happens to me!" I yelled at him, "You killed everyone!, You killed ma and ba... you killed Tony!" I yelled at him, tears rolling down my eyes. I fell on my knees realizing what I just said. I knew that he killed them, I just didn't want to believe it.

"I didn't kill your twin, look behind you in the corner." he told me. "What?!" I said. I turned around and spotted a body in the corner... it was moving. I rushed over to the body, Tony's body. Tears of joy were running down my face, glad to see that he was still alive. Tony slowly opened his eyes, realization hitting him. "Gaby! Where's Shane? Where's that traitor?" he asked me. He looked around to see the damage Shane had caused, terror written all over his face.

We both heard a bitter laugh coming from behind us. We stood up quickly and turned around to see Shane staring at us, his Reptile Eyes activated. "Why?!" Tony yelled at him, I jumped a little. "Why did you kill everyone?!" he yelled at Shane with furry in his eyes. "You two, at the age of three, are too young to understand anything. Our entire family, friends, even the village was scared of the gifts the gods and goddess gave our family! I need to show them what true power really looks like." Shane told us, sounding like a psychopath. I could see Tony getting even more angrier.

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