Chapter 1: The Portal

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Hi! I'm so sorry it's been taking me a while, school is keeping me on my toes. As I promised Chapter 1: The Portal

Okay, I'll be jumping back and forth from Gaby's View, Tony's View, & Fury's View. Don't worry, the Naruto characters will be added in the next Chapter. For now it's only my characters and the Marvel characters. I don't own any of the Marvel Characters in this chapter, except the ones I create.

Note: Any words that are slanted are thoughts and any words that are slanted and bold are telepathic conversations.

Note: Any words that are slanted are thoughts and any words that are slanted and bold are telepathic conversations

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(Present Day)

Gaby's View

It's been ten years now since the day Tony and I arrived at HQ. Ten years since we saw everything and everyone we knew and loved were killed. Ten years... since we last saw Shane. The thought of him still being out there, watching from the shadows, shakes me to the very bone. Every since Fury, Coulson, and May found us, we've been learning new things, training in unimaginable skills, and going on mysterious operations; a fancy word for missions.

It's been four days since I had a mission so I've been chillin' with Agents Piper, James Davis, and Daisy Johnson. I was also with Robbie Reyes a.k.a Ghost Rider and Elena Rodriguez a.k.a Yo-Yo. Piper and Davis are regular agents but are one of the best-of-the-best agents I've ever met. Robbie was resurrected and upon being so, was give the power to transform into a devil known as Ghost Rider. Yo-Yo, as I call her, was given the power to move at super-speed, super cool if you ask me. And then there's Daisy, or every one calls her Quake; though I call her Tremors.

I was suppose to be in training session right now, but I decided to ditch for I was not really in the mode. So I came to the café on the first floor, by which there are 20 floors and the training room is on the fifth, to grab a bite to eat. That's where I ran into Piper, Davis, Tremors, Robbie, and Yo-Yo.

"You do know you should be heading back to your training session, right?" Daisy told me. I sighed, "I know I just need sometime to think and with you guys around it make it is." I replied, taking another bite of my strawberry doughnut. Robbie put his arm around me, "Remember Ángelita, we are here for you." he said. They all agreed and I started to tear up. That nickname Robbie gave me 'Ángelita' means little angel. "Oh, now we made her cry." Yo-Yo said. I laughed a little to show them that I was crying of joy. Being with them makes me feel like so happy.

Davis's phone rang, "Hello?" We all looked at him curious, Piper being the closet was able to hear most of the conversation on the other end. "Yup. Okay. I'll bring her over sir." he ended the call and looked at me. "Director Fury wants to see you and your twin." he told me. I nodded, "Knowing Tony, he already knows that Fury wants to see us." I told them. We all got up, "Want us to go with you?" Piper asked. "I think it's best if you all come along. Something tells me Fury didn't just want to see Tony and I." I told them. They all nodded in response.

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