Chapter 2: Welcome to a New Universe

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Hi! I'm so sorry it's been taking me a while to update my story. Now prepare yourself for Chapter 2: Welcome to a New Universe

Okay, so most of this chapter will be in Sasuke's View and then near the end it'll jump from Gaby's View and Sasuke's View. I don't own any of the Marvel Characters or Naruto characters in this chapter, except the ones I create.

Note: Any words that are slanted are thoughts and any words that are slanted and bold are telepathic conversations.

And just a reminder, all of the characters speak English.

And just a reminder, all of the characters speak English

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Sasuke's View

"Aaahhh! You gotta be kidding me!" yelled Naruto, "Want do you mean there aren't any missions?!?" Sakura hit him on the head, "You dummy! There aren't going to be any missions for awhile for the village is still mourning the loss of the Third Hokage." she explained agitated. I rolled my eyes, Naruto is so annoying. It's been three weeks since the Chunin Exams, three weeks since the Third Hokage died, three weeks... since Orochimaru tried to kill me and my team mates.

I remembered clearly how Orochimaru was about to bite me when Naruto showed up at the last minute, kicking him square in the jaw. After the exams, Kakashi Sensei explained that Orochimaru was trying to brand me with his Cursed Seal of Heaven.

"Uh... can you remind me why Orochimaru wanted Sasuke so badly?" Naruto asked nervously, I swear it's like he forgets of purse! That made my blood boil. Before I could say anything Kakashi explained it to Naruto, "Orochimaru is as old as the Third Hokage was. He uses some sort of Jutsu that keeps him from ageing, almost making him immortal. Every three years he goes out looking for a new 'vessel' to keep him from ageing, but to also gain a new Jutsu or ability. That's why he went after Sasuke, he wanted your Sharingan for himself." he finished explaining, mostly looking at me the entire time.

"Well, you guys should get ready. I hear that there's going to be a celebration in the Third Hokage's name." Kakashi Sensei said, "Oh, and the Three Sand Siblings will also be attending." After those words he disappeared in a puff of smoke. "Arrh, I hate it when he does that!" yelled Naruto. You're not the only one, I thought to myself.

"Well, I guess we should get going." Sakura said, "We have to get ready for the celebration." Naruto and I both nodded and with that, we each went home to prepare for the celebration.

(Time Skip)

I arrived at the Hyuga Estate, where the celebration was, and noticed that all of my comrades were there. All of our Sensei's, Kakashi, Guy, Kurenai, Asuma, & Baki were there, probably to make sure we don't over do ourselves. Neji, Tenten, and Lee were taking to Kiba and Hinata on one side of the field. Ino, Choji, Shikamaru, Sai, and Shino were talking with Sakura on the other side. While at the center, Naruto was talking to the Three Sand Siblings; Gaara, Kankuro, and Temari.  Naruto was the first to spot me walking into the Hyuga Estate.

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