Chapter 6: Fury's Office

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Now prepare yourself for Chapter 6: Fury's Office

I'm so sorry for the wait, I've been dealing with family drama and I've been kinda depressed lately.

This chapter will be in Fury's view most of the time, which would probably make it the shortest chapter, who knows.

I don't own any of the Marvel or Naruto characters in this chapter, except the ones I create.

Note: Any words that are slanted are thoughts and any words that are slanted and bold are telepathic conversations. Magical spells are said in Filipino.

 Magical spells are said in Filipino

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Fury's View

I kept looking at the security camera recording of the basement over and over again. Just as I was about to replay it the doors to my office opened with Tony, Gaby, and our guests coming through. "That didn't take as long as I thought." I said to Tony, who gave me a look that said careful with what you say, Gaby is in one of those moods of hers. I looked at Gaby it looked like she was trying to read my mind- "Gaby, are you reading my mind without permission again?" I said, looking at her with my arms crossed and my eyes narrowed.

Gaby shifted her position, "No, I was considering whether I should or shouldn't cause I feel like you enjoy making us run around like your servants." she said with such venom in her words. "I'll make it quick seeing as how something is bothering you though I think you already know what I'mma gonna tell you seeing as how you created the block on the portal."

All of the guests turned to Gaby while Tony just groaned. "Gaby what did you do this time?!" Gaby turned and glared at him, "Next time you question my work in magic I'll make sure you're the one in chains." Tony was about to say something in return when I interrupted him, "The two of you go towards the window and hash out whatever you need to while I explain things to our guest, alright?" I told them, hoping they listen.

Surprisingly they did. They started talking in Sign (ASL which means American Sign Language) so only they can understand.

I turned towards our guests. "Alright so here's what I need to tell you. I fear that something may be trying to get through the portal from your realm and I spoke with the chamber and... we've agreed that the safety precautions we must take is the close the portal."

All at once, every started asking question either out of curiosity or out of rage. "Please, I'd like to speak with your Sense's in private. Though before I do, I'll tell you this. We can re-open the portal though it'll have to be when the time is right. You can ask Tony & Gaby what I mean by that."

I signaled to the Sense's to follow me towards my desk. "Listen, you may be stuck here for a while, how long that'll be I'm not completely sure. As much as I wanna help you guys get home, I can't risk the lives of my people in the process." I waited to see what they're reactions may be. They started talking in their own language, probably discussing what they want to do and then the man with the eye patch, Kakashi, spoke. "We understand what you must do, I'm pretty sure we'd have done the same if our places were swapped." I nodded, "Alright, now let's get back before one of the kids decides to kill someone."

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