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the next day she woke up feeling groggy, she blinked rapidly trying to gain focus before rolling onto her back to stare directly at the ceiling. "at least my bed didn't fall through the floor." she stated out loud, then let out a yawn. 

she reached for her phone to check the time, "2 PM?" she yelled while practically flinging herself out of bed, and almost tripping on herself. she yanked some clothes out of her closet and had a cold shower, hoping it would properly wake her up. 

after her quick shower, she ran downstairs and straight out the door, as soon as she stepped foot outside, goosebumps took over her arms and legs, while chills went right down her spine, "shit, it's cold." she quivered before running back inside to grab a hoodie.

now that she could actually go outside she headed towards a small 7-eleven that sat on the corner of her street, she decided to get some actual food for the house since the chips aren't going to last forever. she stepped inside to be pushed right back out by a group of teenagers. "damn what the fuck?" she sighed as she right walked back in.

she grabbed some milk, cereal, a bag of apples, bread, jam, more chocolate chip cookies, and some popcorn for later. she stood up to the counter while handing the grumpy looking lady her groceries, who scanned them and roughly threw them into a plastic bag. emilia then tapped her card against the payment terminal and let out a quick "thank you." before giving the lady a polite smile, which she then received an eye roll in return. emilia sped walked out of the shop and headed downtown.

she noticed a dominos on the other side of the street so she quickly skipped across the road before heading inside, she went up to the counter and ordered a small memphis bbq chicken pizza, she paid and grabbed her receipt. she decided to sit down at a small table, as she waited for her order number to be called out.

she sat there for a solid five minutes just staring at her phone before getting interrupted by a sudden cold breeze which flew over her, as she looked up she made eye contact with that same long hair boy from school, he gave her a slight but genuine smile before looking away. he was with another boy around the same age, he had curly dark blonde hair. for some reason that boy looked slightly familiar to em, but she didn't know why, he definitely wasn't from her school.

"ORDER NUMBER 104?" the lady half shouted as she looked around, "oh that's me, thank you." emilia said as the lady handed her the pizza. she walked passed the two boys before heading back outside, "shit i forgot how cold it was out here." she whimpered. she grabbed a slice of pizza from the box as an attempt to warm herself up, didn't quite work as well as she thought it would, but at least it tasted good.

emilia decided to then bring back the usain bolt in her and sprinted back home, when she eventually arrived she flopped onto her bed and just laid there, trying to regain her breath back.

after a few minutes, she grabbed her phone from her pocket and messaged mikey.






no answer, "he's probably busy or something." she sighed as she threw her phone onto the other side of the bed. she sat up quickly and went downstairs to put away the food she brought earlier. if she didn't do it now, she'd most likely never. 

WORDS - 600



𝗪𝗥𝗢𝗡𝗚 𝗡𝗨𝗠𝗕𝗘𝗥 - miguel cazarez moraWhere stories live. Discover now