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emilia sat in bed shivering, her blanket doing completely nothing to warm her up. "fuck this shit" she groaned as she pushed herself off the bed. her house has absolutely no heat source whatsoever. emilia chucked on the warmest clothes she had, causing herself to look like an oompa loompa. she didn't even bother fixing her hair before she attempted to walk towards the steps. she then tried to walk down them but her goosebump-covered legs restrained her, making her almost trip on herself. she finally managed to stretch her legs down each step, but that came with much pain. 

once she walked through the entrance of a local appliance store, warm air instantly hit her face. her muscles started to work for the first time in an hour.  suddenly she gained the strength to fast pace to the other side of the store in search of a heater. as she was looking, her eyes locked on not something, but someone familiar. she watched as they walked into the aisle beside her. after they weren't visible anymore, she smirked, before quickly tiptoeing around to the same aisle, she slowly inched her way behind the tall figure. she stood there awhile struggling to hold back her laughter. once she finally relaxed she brought her hands up to the person's shoulders, shook them and yelled "BOO!"

miguel's whole body shifted forwards as he turned around in shock. he took a deep breath before acknowledging emilia's presence. "you scared the actual crap out of me." he said holding back a smile. emilia just giggled. "sooo what are you looking for?" she questioned while looking around the aisle. she noticed all the vinyls by many different music artists. "just some new music." miguel stated while grabbing a vinyl by arctic monkeys. "oh i love their music!" emilia grinned before locking her eyes with miguel's. 

with the vinyl in hand, miguel lead emilia out the aisle. "so what about you, why are you here?" miguel's head tilted towards emilia's. "I was cold." she said with a frown. miguel thought about questioning why she walked here if she was cold but he stayed silent. "come help me pick a heater!" emilia tugged miguel around the corner. 

miguel pointed to a small remote controlled one. "you wouldn't have to get out of bed to turn it on." he shrugged. "YOU'RE ACTUALLY SO SMART!" she practically screamed as she leaped towards it. she looked at the price noticing it was on the cheaper side, then she smiled as she picked up the abnormally heavy box. "swap?" emilia asked with a pleading face. miguel gave in as he gave her the vinyl and took the heater from her. 

they had finally checked out, but now it was time to go back outside. miguel and emilia sighed in sync as they both walked out of the store holding their stuff, they were met with the harsh cold stabbing their skin. as they walked through the car parking lot, they unconsciously were getting closer to each other, to the point their arms were touching. "holy shit it's cold." emilia said over the chilling wind. miguel just nodded before asking "would you like me to walk you home?" emilia turned towards him and grinned. "i'd like that very much!" 

WORDS -  546


surprise!?? sorry if this doesn't make sense, i've completely forgotten how to write.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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𝗪𝗥𝗢𝗡𝗚 𝗡𝗨𝗠𝗕𝗘𝗥 - miguel cazarez moraWhere stories live. Discover now