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em pushed play on her movie while throwing her phone across the room, luckily it just missed her light by a single inch. the movie only had around 20 minutes to go, so emilia decided after she'd go to sleep, she didn't want to be late from sleeping in too long.

it was about 11:30 pm when the credits rushed onto the screen, she slammed her laptop down and then placed it on her desk. "gosh i really need a nightstand." she groaned loudly, loud enough that the whole street could probably hear her crystal clear. emilia stumbled across her room and into her bathroom, she reached for the face wash and squirted a little too much into her hand.

she twisted the tap on fully, causing all the previous pressure that had been built up to all come out at once. her clothes were absolutely drenched "FOR FUCKS SAKE." she yelled furiously. emilia honestly just really needed sleep and all these incidents are making her so much more pissed.

she eventually finished her skincare and got into clean DRY pyjamas, she leapt into bed while closing her eyes midair. once she landed she almost straight away dozed off.

emilia slowly opened eyes to be attacked with a ray of sunshine coming through her one singular window. "ughhhh" heartbreak spread throughout her body due to her peaceful sleep being very rudely interrupted. emilia dragged her top half out of bed, with her legs still remaining under the covers, she reached for her phone which sat on the floor from last night.

"holyyyy fuckkkk." she stared directly at the time, class starts in 20. she rolled out of bed in a frantic rush, grabbing any clothes possible and chucking them on herself. she grabbed her bag, headphones, and phone and sprinted downstairs tripping on the last step. she got up ignoring the slight tingle in her knee. she ran past the kitchen not even bothering to grab breakfast. once she finally reached the front door, she rushed through while slamming it shut.

which one minute to spare she ran into class, she just stood there while taking her time to regain her breath again, though doing so she earned several stares and a few chuckles from the corner of the room. "shut it." she quietly hissed while taking her seat next to the same sniffly kid from last week.

she glared at him while he was tapping his pencil continuously, and by continuously i mean the whole lesson all emilia could hear was
*tap* *tap* *tap*.
and right when she would think he stopped, there it goes again, echoing right through her ears
*tap* *tap* *tap*
literal rage flooded her soul, but she managed to keep it in to avoid anymore odd stares.

minutes before the bell rung emilia was already shoving her books into her bag, she needed to leave as soon a possible, if not she was genuinely going to explode.

as soon as the bell rung emilia wasted no time and instantly sat up and ran out, she walked through the halls bumping into several people, the halls were always so crowded, it's like a fucking concert audience every break. she then fully walked into someone knocking their phone out of their hand, "shit i'm so sorry." emilia quickly squatted down to grab the phone and passed it to the figure above her, as she glared back up she immediately noticed the stupid long hair. "it's honestly okay, and thank you!" he innocently smiled. emilia returned the smile and she quickly made her way to her next class.

everyone already there when she takes her seat, she sat staring down at all the dicks scribbled onto the wooden table, she chuckled while looking back up at the front of the class. "no way." she watched as the long hair boy strutted through the doors, then he walked up to the front desk. all emilia could here was very slight mumbles coming out from the boys mouth, then a couple from the teacher. suddenly a finger was pointed directly at her, with the boy nodding. "please don't tell me that he's-" her thoughts were interrupted by the boy "hi!" he says sitting down at the table next to the girl.

"hey." she says quietly in return. the lesson starts with yet another boring history lecture. emilia sighed as she leaned back in her seat causing a very peculiar slouching position, she turned to her side noticing the boy chuckling at her. "what's so funny?" she questions while tilting her head to the side. "oh nothing." he states back.

they didn't talk again since that for a solid half an hour till emilia sparks up a sudden conversation. "why are you even in this class?" he turned to look back at her "i got transferred because apparently i don't pay attention in biology." he said with an eye roll. "but god it's even harder to pay attention in this fucking class." he carried on.

emilia giggled in agreement, "his voice is just so..." she paused for a moment "god damn irritating, it makes me want grab a sharp fucking pencil and end it all right here right now."   the boy burst out laughing causing a growl from the teacher. "miguel, want to tell us what's so funny?" the teacher looked absolutely furious. "sorry mr."

"miguel, huh?" emilia whispered towards the boy. "yeah yeah, you gotta tell me your name now." "ehhhh nope, you can wait." emilia said with a slight laugh before turning back to face the front.

WORDS - 916


𝗪𝗥𝗢𝗡𝗚 𝗡𝗨𝗠𝗕𝗘𝗥 - miguel cazarez moraWhere stories live. Discover now