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they entered the nearest dominos, which happened to be the one they saw each other at the other day. they stepped up to the counter to be greeted by a lovely cashier "hello, what would you like today?" she questioned in a soft tone. "small memphis bbq chicken please." emilia said with a light smile. "and for you?" the cashier turned towards miguel causing his head to shoot up "oh, i'll get the same." emilia just giggled at their very similar taste.

"paying separate or together?" the cashier asks. "separate plea-" emilia was soon interrupted by a deeper voice beside her "together, i'll pay" miguel says with a grin. emilia's head turns to miguel, "no i can pay for myself, it's totally fine." she states genuinely. "too late." miguel laughs as he lifts his card above the payment terminal. emilia just glares at him as she huffed in immediate defeat "you didn't have to, but thank you." "anything for you." he replies.

they slid into a red cushioned booth, though it didn't feel as if it had any cushioning at all. "these are the shittiest seats i've ever sat on." miguel rambled. "correction, the shittiest seats ever made." emilia joined in, causing the two to burst out laughing. 

they sat their awkwardly as they waited for their pizzas to be made, miguel decided to talk up. "still insane that we first met through a literal mistype, not complaining though, best mistype of my life." he shrugged. emilias eyes lit up, and her smile widened as she glanced at miguel. she was about to say something back but their moment was cut short by a waitress. "two memphis bbq chicken, enjoy!" she said before walking away. "thank you!" emilia called out.

they mainly ate their pizzas in silence, though there was a bit of conversation here and there. once they both finished they stacked the boxes on top of each other and pushed it to one corner of the table. they both stood up, emilia instantly started shaking her legs to get the cramps out of them. 

"want me to walk you home?" miguel asked with genuine concern. "sure, i'm freaked out of those stupid black vans now." she sighed in return. he chuckled before opening the door for emilia. "thank you kind sir." 

turns out it was completely pouring with rain, it felt as if there was large buckets of water being dumped on them. "shit." they said in sync. "i guess i'm not gonna walk you home anymore." miguel said as he dragged her arm, "i'm gonna run you home." he yelled before running down the street. "you're. gonna. snap. my. arm. pretty. pink. princess." she managed to blurt out between puffs. 

the rain had calmed down down, they were both walking slowly across the road. finally emilia was leading the way because miguel had no fucking idea where she lived. 

they finally reached the steps of her house. "thank you for today, it was honestly the most fun i've had in awhile!" emilia brung miguel into a tight hug. "you're welcome." he smiled. "see you tomorrow?" emilia asked as she unlocked her door. "yeah yeah, see you!"

emilia gently shut the door as she began walking to the kitchen. not even two seconds in, she heard a knock. emilia swished her body around opening the door once again, "did i forget something?" miguel looked at emilia then reached into his plastic bag he got from the arcade. "i won you this from the claw machine!" he grinned before handing the girl a soft cat plush. 

WORDS - 593

sorry i haven't updated in TWO WHOLE WEEKS, i had two weeks off of school, and i decided to literally do nothing at all, but i PROMISE to try to update much more often. just not tomorrow because i'm gonna be turning into a literal grandma, so i'll be busy the whole day, i'm sorry </3

also lets pretend most dominos have seating because i only know a few that do, plus i've literally never been to dominos in my life.


𝗪𝗥𝗢𝗡𝗚 𝗡𝗨𝗠𝗕𝗘𝗥 - miguel cazarez moraWhere stories live. Discover now