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Before I start,I just wanted to say THANK YOU to all those who have read unspoken truth so far,I really really really appreciate it!!!:)
Anyways, let's get to chapter 20!!!
Hope you like it !:)
(Note:The picture above is not mine . Credit goes to the rightful owner)

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'I forgot to turn my phone off.Shit.'
I said to myself feeling dumber than a empty coconut.
I was in such a deep sleep that I didn't notice the constant calls and messages I was getting.It was obvious I was getting it from Byron.

Gosh , this boy won't leave me alone !!

I turned on the light and sat upright on my bed, and as I turned off my phone I heard a voice just from the other room.I recognized the voice as Darian's and decided to go back to sleep since it didn't concern me.

Tick,tock,tick, tock,tick,tock

There was absolute silence.
All I could hear was my alarm clock


I slowly sat upright on my bed and stood up .I quietly tiptoed to Darien's room and squatted right In front of his door as I Ieaned myself against a small cupboard which had a ridiculously expensive vase on it.If I made a single noise I would be dead meat.
Darien wouldn't spare me one bit.

I haven't even said my last prayers yet!!!

NUMBER 1 rule of being best friends with Darien was to NEVER make him angry
I repeat!NEVER make him angry!!
I might have escaped sometimes but I wasn't that lucky and I didn't want to risk anything....
I could hear anger in his voice as he spoke:

"I'm asking you one last time.Tell me what Bri saw which made her so upset".
"You can't tell me you don't know!You're always with her!!"

I heard the person's voice but it was too quiet for me to recognize.

"If you don't talk I will make sure I'll come to your house and teach you a very valuable lesson"he threatened

Holy mother of Jesus!If he were to have this conversation in real life,it would have been a bloody fight in the end...

"No ofcourse I'm threatening you because you're supposed to know !! You're her..."

At that moment,my hand slipped and the vase fell down and broke .

'Only God can save me !"I said raising my hands in the air as I slowly stood up .

"Mom?" He asked as I heard footsteps coming closer to the door

I honestly don't know why but at that moment,my adralaine kicked in and I turned around and ran to my room, whether he saw me or not wasn't something to care about at this moment.I jumped on my bed and lay down pretending to sleep.

I heard him stop at my door and come closer to my bed .
He gently covered me with the comforter and left the room .

One thing was certain,I needed to find out who he was talking with over the phone and make sure he wasn't going to kill that person.
Gosh I was so silly.
I found myself smiling but it didn't last long,cause I ended up remembering what I saw and cried myself to sleep.

♪ ♠ ♪
It was 6:15 which meant it was time for BREAKFAST!!MY FAVORITE THING IN MY WHOLE DAY!!
(Well actually seeing my bed at the end of the day was the most joyous and happiest thing ever)
I walked downstairs and sat at the dinning table with the plates and forks already being set.

"Our personal chef is back so feel free to eat what you like, dear".
Mrs arison said as she walked into the kitchen and took her car keys from the kitchen counter.

"Sure,thanks"I said with a big smile

"I'll be at work.Please tell Darien I've already gone to work. I'll see you."

"Will do "I said tossing an orange in the air as I caught it.

"Where's my mom?"Darien said suddenly, walking down the stairs hastily as he headed towards the kitchen

"At work " I said stuffing pancake in my mouth

He walked to the kitchen counter and began searching for something.I looked at him confused

"Umm,what are you looking for?"

"My mom usually makes my protein shake before she goes to work,guess she forgot to make it today"he said brushing his hand through his hair

"Is that why you're so hot?"I asked quietly

"What did you say?"

"I didn't say anything"I said nervously stuffing more pancake before standing up and walking up to him
"I'll make it for you"I said smiling

"Well?What are you waiting for?I have to go to school today!"

Rude.I wonder how his own mother puts up with him .He's pure evil after all..
It took me 10 minutes to finish his protein shake and he kept giving me death glares.

"My famous banana - apple protein shake est..."
"Umm est...."


"Yes .But I'm still better than you in french"I said proudly, putting the protein shake on the kitchen counter

He gave me a cold look before drinking and and just said

"It's fine "he said standing up and taking his backpack from the sofa before going outside and slamming the door behind him

I looked at the time and an hour had gone by .
I was surely destined to be late.
I ran to my room and grabbed my backpack and dressed into a black skirt and a red long - sleeved shirt and made my way outside.
I spotted Darien leaning against his white Lamborghini as he was staring in his phone .

"You're not gone yet ?"I asked confused

"I thought you'd need a ride "he said still staring in his phone

"No thanks"I said pulling a fake smile

"You're already late .You don't have any other option.Just get in the car"

"No thank you"

"Get .in . the.car".He said but just with a more serious face as he gave me an evil eye .

"Urghhhhh"I groaned as I got in the car and he drove off

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