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My alarm clock rang and that was the most annoying way to be awoken and I try to put it off by hitting it but I just failed miserably.

I lay on the bed and thought for a while.

Where was life taking me?
Why was life taking me anywhere when I didn't want to be pushed and tossed around?
Why was everything so difficult at some point?
Why did I feel  like giving up?
Why was all this happening to me?

I was brought out of my trance when I heard my alarm clock hit the floor due to the constant ringing which made it vibrate and fall.

I sat up and looked out my window.
The sun was slowly rising and the clouds had all parted and were not in any particular shape which I could identify.

I stood up and stretched myself and headed to the shower.

Today,I just felt moody.

I did not see a reason to smile everyday because I found it unnecessary.
Everything did not involve smiling.

Like when you accidentally throw a ball and it ends up breaking a window or when someone puts a empty milk carton in the fridge and it is the last one and you want to eat cereal but the milk is finished and you have to buy more.

I termed that as ‘annoying’ because when the owner of the broken window finds out that the culprit is you,they scold and scold you till either your ears burn off or they threaten the shit out of you.

I took my shower and picked out my outfit for the day which was black skinny jeans,a blue oversized blouse and flat sneakers.

After I got dressed,I went downstairs and ate a avocado toast and drank orange juice.

I passed by the storeroom and smelled something which got my complete attention.


I carefully opened the door and peaked inside and at the very right corner of the shelf,there was a cookie box.

I quietly tiptoed to the shelf and picked up the cookie box which had Santa Claus and his reindeer's on it.

I knew that Mrs Arison had hid it from Darien and I because we may have eaten all of them before she would have gotten to eat one and I had to be extra careful now.

I opened the cookie box and picked out a chocolate chip cookie and slowly placed it in my mouth.

“What are we stealing?”A voice asked and I jumped probably 5 feet in the air.

“Sorry but you should have seen your face!”he said laughing while holding his stomach

I swallowed my cookie and glared at him in anger.

After a while,he calmed down and asked
“What were you doing?” and squinted his eyes suspiciously at me.

I took out a cookie and stuffed it in his mouth.

“There,now we're both criminals.Let's go tell your mom then”i demanded and walked towards the door but Darien pulled me back at my elbow.

He pulled my arm behind my back and tilted his head over my shoulder.
I stood numb when his warm hands encircled my waist and his soft lips touched my cheek.

“You’re not going anywhere”he said possessively

Just as I opened my mouth to speak,my phone rang.I took out my phone and checked the caller ID with Darien's hands still around me.

I picked up the call which spelled out ‘Audrey’ and waited to hear a voice from the other line.

“H–Hello?”I heard Audrey speak but she sounded like she was shivering

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