Chapter Fourteen - A Little Advancement

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From before the concert, Aaron nor Mickayla had seen or heard from each other. Aaron's help had greatly advanced Mickayla, it was 100% on the Spanish Test and 98% on the Mathematics test because of a previous mistake. She score the top marks on both exams and she was beyond over excited. As soon as she heard the bell ring, she rushed out if the class to find Aaron.

His classroom was empty, she slowly walked to the cafeteria. Almost at the cafeteria, Aaron was exiting, strangely he wasn't with his friends. When he saw Mickayla he started smiling.
"Hey Kayla."
"Good afternoon."
"Yuh soun different," said Aaron after observing Mickayla.
"Mi have good news."
"Dat is?"
"Got the highest score on my test, 100% on Spamish and 98% on Maths."
"Congratulations Kayla."
"So, the deal is off?"
"Let's talk."
He turn around leading her to the Visual Arts room.

Shauna and Brianna was having a quarrel about Mickayla getting the highest score. Raheem heard and interrupted them out of curiosity.
"Suh weh yuh say bout Mickayla?"
"She get di highest pon di Maths and Spanish Test."
There was a silence.
"How much unu get?"
"50% pon both," said Shauna,
"45% pon Spanish an 35% pon Maths," said Brianna.
Shauna laughed.
"Yuh kno say Phillip a top bwoy don't?"
"Brianna yuh name right?"
"No deh wid no man yuh no kno bout, Shauna a whore, no falla har."
"An Shauna."
"Upgrade yuself before yuh dis nobody."
"Oh an wi done."
Shauna was saddened with tears, she followed behind Raheem as he walk away from them.

Brianna was looking out of space when she saw Aaron and Mickayla enter. She looked at them disgustingly as she was about to get up Aaron stopped her. He pull her to the side while Mickayla sat down to consume her lunch.
"Hear dat yuh a botha Mickayla an dat yuh a fail yuh test dem."
"Suh Mickayla a cripple weh cah defend harself an a nuh nuhbady business dat mi no pass mi exam dem."
"Mickayla no say nothing bout yuh to me an why yuh a get suh angry yuh have time fi progress jus stop falla backa Shauna."
"An falla Mickayla?"
"Mi tell yuh dat?"
"Lef mi alone an min yuh buzniz."
"Kool dis a di las time mi a talk to yuh."
He watched Brianna walked out and then Phillip walk behind her with a deceptive smile. Calmly he went to sit where Mickayla was.
"Weh yuh did a say now?"
"Mi did a ask if di deal off?"
"Yuh help miss pass mi exam."
"Weh mi aguh maintain," interrupted Aaron.
"An in dat case mi we be yuh girlfren."
Aaron raised an eyebrow.
"Yuh ave sexy lips."
"Aaron," said Mickayla blushing.
"Yuh eva kiss before Kayla?"
Blocking out the world, he pull Mickayla towards him and started kissing her but she was non responsive which cause him to stop.
"Follow the rythmn of my lips."
Mickayla now started to respond, the more they kiss, the more they were drawn to each other. He was memorize by the softness and taste of her lips and and in hunger he deepen the kiss sending chills through her body, he smile under his breath. Aaron break the kiss but his lips remain on her own for five seconds before he move. He move his head to her shoulder which turn into a hug. None of them said anything to each other for five minutes.
"Dat a di bes ting mi ever get from a girl, me mean the best kiss ms soft lips."
"Aaron it's a kiss, a mouth watering first kiss."
Aaron smiled on her shoulder and kiss her neck then move his head. He wipe his hands into a wipe and wipe his finger across her lips without breaking any eye contact.
"What is it?"
"Wanna kiss yuh again but bell soon ring."
"Yuh lik my lips?"
"Fall in love wid dem."
"Aww really?"
"Yea mi aguh mek sure they're mine forever."
"Yuh alrite?"
"Yea mi mean weh mi say."
"I'll see, suh mi aguh si yuh tomorrow?"
"No, which class yuh ave las?"
"Home Economics."
"Alrite I'll see you then."
She smiled, pack, place a paper in his pocket and went away waving to Raheem.

Raheem just wave to Mickayla, gesture to Aaron and went away. Phillip went to sit where Aaron was since they were having Visual Arts class.
"Yuh lik Mickayla?"
"Yea how much time mi aguh tell yuh dat."
"Mi can si say shi a yuh main."
"Yea "
"Proud a dat."
"Fi got fi tell har congrats to."
"Yea shi aguh go high levels if shi continue same way."
Aaron nod to signal the teacher was present and it was time to focus on what was happening in class.

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