Chapter Thirty -Eight- Happy, Not So Happy

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It had been almost a month and Mickayla and Aaron haven't spoken to each other. They see each other but didn't stop to have a conversation, girls were now overflowing Aaron, but all he wanted was Mickayla. It was report day, based on Mickayla's performance and his, it will determine the fate go their relationship.
      Aaron was woken up early by his mother. She was excited for the day and yet nervous. She try her best to conceal the emotions that she was feeling.
"A wapm?"
"Mommy a 9a clock report day a start enu."
"Mi cah wait fi si how yuh duh."
"Or wait fi see how Mickayla ago lef mi."
"Dat to."
Aaron got out of bed frustrated.
"Can wait."
"Mommy mek mi mawning start off good no, jus in case e done bad."
"Alrite mi ago lef yuh den."
"An Daddy say good luck."
"What's for breakfast?"
"Yuh sure? Yuh no really a eat fi weeks now enu."
"Mi good, jus tea."
"Tea it is then."
"Ok," she said closing the door behind her.

On the other hand, Brianna was nervous. She did not want to go but she had to go. She wasn't expecting anything since she knew that she wasn't studying or working hard as much as she was opening her legs.
"A wah time a di sumn?"
"9a clock."
"If yuh shame mi up deh, mi a mash yuh up or yuh jus lef mi house."
Brianna did not answer.
"Yuh betta mek sure yuh not even absent one time."
Brianna's heart started to beat faster.
"Com fi yuh breakfast."
"Mi no hungry Mommy."
"Come fi di blasted breakfast in case a yuh las meal dis."
Brianna got up to take the food.
"Yuh have nothin mo' yuh wan tell mi."
"Aaron di bwoy name."
"Betta a di one igglas dat."
Brianna said nothing.
"Nothing else weh mi need fi kno?"
"Mickayla a him girlfren."
"Oh di likkle gyal wid the nurse auntie."
"Bad company ."
"No Mommy she a no bad company."
"Move out a mi face."
She moved towards Brianna but she ran away in fear.

Mickayla and Shanice walked through the school gate. They were talking but when they noticed that they were been watched, they stopped talking. In silence, Mickayla bring her sister to Mr Bachelor - her form teacher. He smile as she approached him.
"Good morning Mr," said Shanice with a pause.
He hand her the report and upon opening Mickayla almost faint.
"Oh my God."
"I'm so proud of you Mickayla,go get the other teachers to sign this paper and then bring it back to me."
"Thank you Mr Bachelor."
Shanice hugged Mickayla as she stepped outside.
"First mi come first."
"Proud a yuh lil sis."
Suddenly Mickayla started to frown.
"A wah?"
"Aaron help mi accomplish this."
Shanice froze.
"Him give mi books,voice note mi explanation fi mi reach ya so."
"Yuh afi guh tank him."
"Mi ago try to."
They walked off.

Aaron and Kyler arrived at school, without hesitation, she dragged him to find his teacher.
"Mom chill."
"Caaa wait."
Aaron walked behind her lazily until they had reach his teacher.
"Morning Mr Grey."
"Morning Mrs Burrell, morning Aaron so proud of you."
Aaron smiled but remain calm to hear what his results would be.
"First with straight A, mi bwoy improve massively,proud a yuh."
"Thanks mom."
"And also to add Mrs Burrell, he's the top boy in Second form."
Kyler's smile widens.

Walking to a distant, Kyler looked at Aaron.
"A wah?"
"Time fi lef Mickayla."
"Weh we kno har results den we will kno."
Kyler grinned sneakingly.
"Mommy lef har alone."
"Lef har den."
"Yes no."
"Oh," said Kyler as she stopped by his English teacher.

Raheem was exiting the Stuart hall when he bumped into Brianna. She try to sneak pass him but she stopped her. Her mother stood at a distant watching her daughter's interaction. She wanted to see how she behave when she's not around.
"Hey Bri."
"A wah now?"
"Why di attitude?"
"Mi mada a watch," she whispered.
"Dat stop yuh from talk to nobody."
"Shi we beat mi."
"Fi talk to sumbady?"
"Yuh mada kno say talking to somebody nah guh mek yuh catch gonorrhea again?"
"Yes but how yuh kno bout dat tho?"
"Memba say I was dere when unuh did a f*** Aaron."
Brianna froze.
"So how yuh gwan?"
"No kno."
"Yuh form teacha deh in a library."
"Tanks but how yuh gwan tho?"
"Mi a di top bwoy."
"Yea anyways good luck."
Raheem went over to where his father was and Brianna went to the library with her mother.

Onella and her mother was discussing the report when they crossed paths with Aaron and his mother. The familiarity caused them to stop and strike up a conversation with each other.
"Hey Aaron, hi Mrs Burrell."
They all greeted each other, while their mothers communicate, Aaron had no choice but to entertain Onella's presence.
"Mi hear say yuh duh good."
"Yea thanks."
There was a silence.
"Mi all hear say Mickayla com first."
"Weh yuh hear dat from?"
"Mi ave sources."
"An mi hear say unuh lef to."
"We jus on a break."
"If yuh say so."
"Mi com 20."
"Di age a di man dem yuh love ramp roun."
"Yuh cah cool off a dat."
"Yuh mess mi up Onella."
"If yuh neva love f*** yuh wouldn't get catch."
"Move from before mi Onella."
"Cho.. das why mi an yuh no work out."
"A di bes thing eva happen, at least mi have di sexiest girl in a di school."
"F*** off Aaron," said Onella and walked away from him angrily.

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