Chapter Thirty-One- Love (2)

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Mickayla laughed.
"Yuh no always a cheat, a my time fi dweet now."
Aaron's expression changed from been calm to angry.
Aaron did not answer.
"My baby."
Aaron was still online but he move the camera from his face.
"Sista mi did a talk to, a joke mi a mek, no even lik nobody ya suh."
He was not responding. Mickayla did not say anything either, they sat looking at each other for five minutes without saying a word. She watch his eyes as sadness sparkled in them.
"Yuh sad?"
"Bout wah?"
"Mi no kno, tell mi, e deh all over yuh eyes dem."
"Kinda feel, mess up from me catch the STD ting, feel saddened by it to be honest."
"Fi kno say mi did so calis, a dat a botha enu."
"Tek e as one lesson."
"Fraid fi ave sex, mi wan e but mi fraid fi do it suh dat kinda humble mi."
"Why not use protection?"
"Neva did a tink bout dat."
"Yuh really guh in a war wid out armour, mi lik yuh bravery."
Aaron got silent.
"Yuh wan duh it wid mi?,"asked Mickayla.
"A wah sumn wrong wid mi?"
"No but yuh no ready an mi nah force yuh fi duh sumn weh yuh no ready fa."
"Yuh no love sex?"
"Mi rate yuh more, tings happen weneva wi ready, no wan spoil nothin, if only yuh did kno how special you are to me, I see you as my wife, not just sumbady di sex wid."
"Aaron stop."
"Kayla if yuh kno how much mi no wan lose yuh, two days without yuh feel like hell, imagine my life witout yuh."
"E com lik mi not even wan yuh far from me."
Changing the conversation, Mickayla asked, "Why yuh start ave sex?"
"One woman convince mi to, shi say a do bes ting Eva Suh mi give mi first try wid har."
"One big woman."
"How was it?"
"E fun but a no wid di right person, it ago feel off."
"No worry yuh self, not till yuh ready."
"Life of celibacy no easy."
"Well mi willing fi try."
"Yuh keep on a surprise mi everyday."
"There's more to come."
"Yuh going out tomorrow?"
"Yes in a di day and den in a di night."
"Oh good."
"A wah?"
"Yuh wan guh grandmarket or sumn?"
"Mi sista say mi affi guh."
Aaron laughed.
"A wapm?"
"Baby mi nah guh if yuh no guh enu, plus mi wan yuh come."
"Mi ave sumn fi yuh."
"Wah dat?"
"A surprise."
"Yuh ago lik e."
"Yes baby."
"Mickayla Kool no man wid di sex ting."
"Afi mek sure."
"Mi nah repeat mi self."
"Goodnight Mickayla."
"Aaron baby."
"Mickayla e no sexual, mi we tex yuh tomorrow."
"Ok goodnight."
He liked at her for five minutes without saying a word and then end the call.

Brianna woke up insure of what her day would be like, her mother haven't spoke to her since the revelations. Laying down in bed, she was deep in thoughts, she miss sex and she wanted more of it. Melissa her cousin came in and saw her, she lightly touch her on the foot to make sure she's is alive and to most importantly make her presence known.
"A wah now Melissa?"
"Wapm gonorrhea girl."
Brianna kissed her teeth and did not answer.
"Weh di attitude fah?"
"If a trouble yuh com mek, com outta mi room."
"Yuh nah guh a granmarket muma?"
"Wid wah?"
"Oh yuh mada say fi gi yuh dis."
She placed $6000 into her hand.
"Weh shi wan mi buy?"
"Mi an yuh a guh a granmarket."
"How yuh convince mommy fi duh dat?"
"Mi cah easily convince anybody plus mi ago deh deh."
"Oh thanks."
"Yea we a lef ya suh 6, suh duh weh yuh afi duh from now."
"Ok," said Brianna as her happiness was been restored. With Melissa she could sneak away and have sex and come back without her even knowing.

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