Chapter Forty- Results

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Mickayla went home with Aaron on her mind, she was confused as to why everyone wanted her back for Aaron and why she had taken Aaron back in the first place. She was deep in thoughts when her phone ring, it was shocking that she was receiving a call, and even more shocking was the fact that she was seeing an unknown number.
She answered the phone but said nothing, she had till 9:00 pm to go to sleep and it was now 3:30 pm, she has time to do breathing competition with the person on the other line. It was not until 10 minutes after, the person on the other line finally spoke.
"No wanda Aaron wan you,yuh full a yuh self an no ave no mannas."
She was tempted to respond but kept calm because she did not knew if she was been addressed or not.
"Ms Watson, this is Mrs Burrell, sorry fi ave yuh pon di line suh long, did out a di office."
She blow a breath to calm down.
"Hi Mrs Burrell, I'm here and it's no problem."
" Let me get straight to the point, I want to have a talk with you face to face."
"Did I do something wrong?"
"Thought so.".
"It's about you and Aaron."
"Yes meet me after school at my workplace."
"Have a good evening and see you tomorrow."
"Same to you."
The conversation ended and Mickayla fell back in bed tired and within seconds she was asleep.

Aaron on the other hand was excited yet he was feeling sad. He had gotten back Mickayla but something inside of him was telling him that he hadn't gotten her back fully again. Something was off with Mickayla, she wasn't acting like herself at all.
"Dad cah talk to you a minute?"
He shoved his laptop and paper to one side to show Aaron that he had his full attention.
"What is it Aaron?"
"Wha bout Mickayla,is she sick?"
"Mi hope not enu."
"A wah den?"
"Since recently Mickayla nah act like herself non a tall."
"How long unuh neva talk fah?"
"Bout almost a month."
"Di issue did clear up between unuh?"
"Think so."
"Aaron guh call Mickayla."
"Wah if shi no answer?"
"Wen shi does, an unu talk, com back to mi'

Coming out of his father's office, he think on what he should say to Brianna. He did not know how to speak with her anymore because now it seem as if even his presence was upsetting to her. Fighting his fears, he called her. It wasn't an immediate answer but she had finally picked the call after the first missed call.
"Aaron a wah?"
"Why yuh a behave so harsh towards mi Kayla?"
"No have time fi dis right now."
"Aaron com off a mi phone."
"Mickayla shut the f"** up an listen to weh mi a say."
There was a silence.
" Mi a listen."
"Yuh kno I love you rite ?"
"No kno."
"Wah ?"
"Yuh cah let go and treat mi betta?"
"Oh really?"
"We'll see about dat?"
"Yuh really a behave difficult."
"Yuh a gwan like mi neva difficult before."
"Yow chill."
"Why you call?"
"To talk to you ."
"Yuh ago si mi a school tomorrow."
"Yuh nah talk to mi."
"Meet mi in front a di library tomorrow break time."
"Alright goodnight."
"Yea,"said Mickayla and end the call.

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