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Taking in deep breathes, Mr. Tamura opened his eyes slowly to then get up about the same, to make a hard face, he then placed his hand to his forehead to gulp, he was feeling a bit light headed and his rectum and lower back felt like they were on fire.
He signed to then get slowly up to go to the mini fridge to devour all what he could.
Gaining strength, he then went to the bathroom to go straight to the shower, he pulled off his tee and boxers to then go in to place his forehead to the wall to look down to shake his head.
Why in the fuck did I have a dream like that? Ugh.... More like a nightmare.....
Mr. Tamura gritted his teeth.
Once I leave my room, I have to see that bastard vampire! I might have to give him an explanation for last night, a reason why I consented......ish...... Did take it back then he.....
Mr. Tamura placed his hands to his eyes to rub in frustration.
After his shower, he then left to go to place a towel about his lower to go to his dresser to place a shirt over himself to then go very slowly to the door to open to then go through to peek his head out, looking about he then went to go to the kitchen to hang his head to groan.
Why is he is the kitchen!
Hearing a erratic heart, the doctor plated to then turn about to eye over the nurse to then look down, he was hiding his own shame.
The doctor then went about to place what he made for the human to then turn to go towards the door, Mr. Tamura turned his head at the very delicious smell to raise an eye brow.
"Is that.... For me?"
Mr. Vanuro placed on his shoes.
"Who would it be for?"
The nurse rolled his eyes to then look to the doctor.
"Where are you going?"
"My shift, I already called in for you, let them know yourll work tomorrow and that you feel a tad sick today."
Mr. Tamura nodded.
"Mm.... Guess.... Thank you."
The doctor nodded to then turn to head his brief case to then leave, mr. Tamura looked up to eye over him.
Okay..... Thought there would be more of a discussion about.....
He shrugged to then go to the dining room table to then sit to eye over this meal to widen his eyes a bit.
The nurse grabbed his fork to then dive right in, after he ate his amazing meal, he then cleaned the place to then be to his boxers and shirt to be laying down to have an arm back to watch over the television to be absent minded.
Mr. Tamura then lifted his head back to see the doctor come in.
He then took in a very deep breathe to eye the television.
The doctor came about to go to his desk to grab something to then turn to go back to the door, the nurse moved up to turn his head to eye this.
"Forgot something?"
"No. Also I will not be coming here tonight, I am too be needed by my fiance."
Mr. Tamura took in a long breathe.
"Mm...... Okay."
Mr. Tamura then watched the doctor leave to then turn his head to look forward.
Alright then.....
The nurse then placed his arms over the couch to keep looking forward.
After that one day, for the better part of a week, the doctor was working his shift to then not return back to the building, by the start of the second week, Mr. Tamura was to the kitchen to be cleaning his mess to then turn his head to eye the doctor, he hadent seen him since that one day.
He shook. His head.
"Just need to gather something "
Mr. Tamura made a face to then finish what he was doing to wash and dry his hands, to then turn to go stand behind the doctor who was to his desk .
"What would that be?"
"What business of that is yours?"
Mr. Tamura furrowed his brow to then wrap his arms about himself.
"Being a bit of a prick I see."
The doctor stopped to keep his eyes down to peer his eyes slightly to the side.
"Is there something you need nurse?"
Mr. Tamura narrowed his eyes.
"That is my occupation not my name."
"What is it you want?"
The nurse looked him over to shrug to then turn.
"Nothing. However if your just going to stay away, you should leave me this place and you should move in with your fiance. Maybe even fuck her and leave me alone."
The doctor snapped his head to the side, he then went to the nurse to turn him about to place a hand to his collar to really give him a look.
"Do not talk about my fiance in such a manner!"
Mr. Tamura parted his lips to start to breathe heavily, he hadent seen this side of the doctor in a bit, to see passion not just a blank hollow vampire.
The doctor looked him over to then slowly look down to then roll his eyes to then let the human to to start to go about him.
Mr.tamura eyed the empty space to then look down to see he was hard to then turn to eye over the doctor..
"This might not be a normal reaction, could be since I haven't laid with a woman, however it is not disgusting. What you've done to me is, you perverted prick!"
Mr. Tamura then turned to start to go to his bedroom to then wince to move his hands up to the doctor who place his one to his head to grip his hair.
Mr. Tamura struggled.
"What the....."
"It is and it is not!"
The doctor then parted his lips to dart his eyes to then move his body to the human to then place his mouth to his neck, he could smell his blood, mr. Tamura peered his eyes to the side.
"What are you....."
The doctor then used his body to push the humans to the wall, to then place his fingers to his hole to probe to go to his ear.
"I have not fed since..... Give me your consent."
Mr. Tamura who placed his hands to the wall flexed his fingers to look down.
"Thought we were going back to...."
"Mr. Tamura! I am losing my control! Consent!"
Mr. Tamura turned his head to place his forehead to the wall.
"Take your hand from my head and....... Make me cum."
The doctor let go of his head to then place other his hands about to put them inside his boxers to be too his ear.
"I need to hear...."
"I'm still not gay just....... Horny...... Fuck! I consent!"
The doctor nodded to then pull down the nurses boxers to his ankles to ram himself in, the nurse couldn't help to moan to squeeze his eyes tightly shut hating himself but couldn't deny what his body was wanting in that moment.

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