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Taking in a very deep breathe, type moved his hand about the bed to then slowly open his tired eyes to then furrow his brow, he then got up on his forarms to look about.
"Mm... Tharn?"
Shrugging, type then went to lay to his back to turn his head to the side to take in deep breathes to place his hand to his forehead to take in very long breathes, he was feeling a bit weak.
Groaning, he got up to finish the mini fridge contents, to then go to the bathroom to relieve himself, to then go about to wash and dry his hands to leave the bedroom to go about looking everywhere.
Darting his eyes, type then went to the kitchen to then start on a mean for himself, he then plated to be sitting to the dining room table to be looking about to be confused.
Where is that vampire?
Types eyes then widened has he felt something coming out of his rectum.
Rolling his eyes he then got up to go clean this mess.
To the hospital, tharn was to the surgery room, to have his body to the wall to have his phone right in front of him, to be darting his eyes about to make a face here and there.
What should I text the human? Does he care that I am not to be there?
Tharn parted his lips to then shake his head, has a new found emotion he had never ever in his long life experienced was washing through him.
Text him you are not going there for a month, you also need to make it up to your fiance for your passed behivor. You have not fallen for this human, that is not logical.
Tharn flexed his jaw to then text the human to make a face to grit his teeth.
Cleaning the mess and taking a shower, type went about with nothing but his boxers to go back to sit to eat to then turn his head to eye across the room has he heard light buzzing.
He chewed at his food to then get up to go about to eye his phone on the coffee table, type then bent down to pick it up to unlock to raise an eye brow.
Tharn: how are you to be feeling?
Type: was a bit weak. Fine now. Where are you?
Type drummed his fingers to either side of the phone before he hit sent, he then signed to look up to the ceiling.
Why do I care if I didn't wake up with him? Why do I care where he is?
Tharn parted his lips a bit has he read that message.
Does this human..... Miss me?
Tharn shook his head.
Tharn: at the hospital. For tonight....
Tharn made a face to then erase a bit of the message to then send something else .
Type looked to his phone to make a face.
Tharn: at the hospital. I know you do not need to work today, was thinking of using my human all night long.
Tharn read and reread that message to make a confused face.
Why did I send that!
Type chewed at his inner cheek to text back.
Tharn widened his eyes .
Type: we are not currently in our arrangement. Do not address me has such and.......if you don't want me to think of myself has your own personal blood....... Can we do something tonight? Like get out, or something?
Type reread his message to then go to the couch to sit down to place two fingers to the bridge of his nose to pinch .
Why the fuck is wrong with me!? This sounds like a date.
Type then lowered his hand has he felt his phone go off, he then looked to it in a bit of shock for what he was reading.
Tharn: what do you have in mind? Can do anything you are too be wanting.
Tharn read over that to shake his head, he didn't know what made him write that.
Type looked up to dart his eyes about.
Type: work hard. I'll let you know when you come home.
Tharn read over that to then place his phone away to then wrap his arms about himself to go inside his head, he was completely lost and confused .
Type signed to place his phone to the coffee table to be feeling lost and very confused has well.
He then went back to his food to chew slowly to go over that conversation that didn't really make a lot of sense to him at that moment.
What the hell is going on with us? This is just an arrangement. I need to pay it down. Should have just let the vampire have me all night so I can pay him quicker, but I......ugh! Why did I do that! This really seems like a date night or something.
Type made a hard face to then push his food away to then place his elbows to the table to hang his head a bit to place his hands to the back of his neck to rub about.
"What the hell is wrong with me! Why did I suggest this! Ugh! I'm not turning gay! Fuck!"
Type then got up to hit the table to then go about to head straight to his room to lay to the bed to Streach his arms out to either side to look to the ceiling.
What is happening to me and my life? This is all so fucked up!
Type turned his head to then turn to his side to place a hand to the bed to move it up and down.
Why...... Am I missing you? No! I'm not missing that asshole! Barely know the man, it's the fact I'm just really lonely since.....
Type shook his head to then go to his back to place a hand to his forehead to take in deep breathes. He didn't want to think about the passed, especially since it was the reason why he was in this mess.
Sighing, type then got up on his forarms to look forward to chew at his inner cheek.
He couldn't help but to think about what to do later with the doctor.

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