why can't I be in control?

491 56 25

To the couch in the living room, Mr. Vanuro was sitting to it to be in the dark, to have his brows furrowed to be in deep thought.
Coming home after his shift, Mr. Tamura opened the door to then yawn has he had a bag to one hand to then turn around to turn on the lights, to then turn about again to take off his shoes to then head to the kitchen, placing the bag down, he then started to place the food away, to fold the bag to get started on a dinner for himself, completing it, he then plated to go about to then jump, he eyed over the couch to see the doctor just sitting there.
"Jeez! Didn't know you were here, thought you had a long shift "
Mr. Vanuro turned his head away from type to be lost in his mind.
Mr. Tamura looked him over to then go to sit right next, to then place his plate down to eye over the doctor to sign.
The doctor was in his boxers, to have a buttoned shirt that was slightly opened to be showing off his body, mr. Tamura turned his head to then eye his plate to then grab it from the coffee table to then start to eat..
"Mr. Vanuro?"
Mr. Vanuro kept his head to the side to think, Mr. Tamura signed about his food has this was an occurring thing for the last several days, he didn't know what the doctor was to be thinking about, but Mr. Tamura saw it was consuming him.
Mr. Tamura then turned his head to eye over the doctor.
"Mr. Vanuro?" He asked again.
Mr. Vanuro narrowed his eyes.
He was thinking about that one night, was thinking about the last couple of months. He strongly didn't know why this human was controlling him so much. The doctor had the plan to stay with his fiance for at least a month, but what happened a few days ago, he made sure to come home everyday and he didn't know why.
Mr. Tamura placed the plate to the coffee table to then go back to place his hands together to cup to continue to eye the doctor.
"Mm.... Tharn?"
Tharn then rolled his eyes to turn his head to look to the nurse has that got him out of his head for a moment.
"Mm...... He speaks."
"What are you talking about?"
"You haven't spoken a word..... At least to me since...... Why is that?"
The doctor shrugged to then look forward, he was trying to figure out why this human was so much in his head.
Mr. Tamura darted his eyes over tharn to then look down to then start to chew at his inner cheek. They hadent had sex for a couple of days, it pissed off the nurse, but he was itching for that mans cock.
Mm..... Does tharn always have to be in control when we......if we don't do it for him to take my blood, I am still owing so.....
Mr. Tamura then looked slowly up to the vampire, to then place his hand to his crotch to rub about has he got his member hard.
Mr. Tamura looked to him to narrow his eyes, he didn't seem to be affected by that.
Taking in a deep breathe Mr. Tamura then went about to go to his knees has the doctor was lost in thought.
The many women I have been with, I have never ever had them inside of my mind so why......
The doctor then widened his eyes to look down.
"What are you....nn....."
Mr. Tamura had taken out the doctors dick to start to lick to then look up with his golden brown eyes to then take his sack out to then start to play with either ball while he started to lick about.
"Aaah.... Human....."
Mr. Tamura then moved his head back.
"That's what species I am."
The doctor shook his head to then place his hands to types head to make him down his length to then press his body to the couch to lift his head back to moan.
Mr. tamura placed his hands to the couch to then have instant regret about this.
"Nnn...... Type...... Your mouth feels too..... remarkable! No woman has ever sucked it has......aaah."
Type looked up to widened his eyes to then make a pained expression, he then placed his hands to his pants to undo to take out his throbbing cock that started to hurt.
Hearing that noise, the doctor grabbed type to then place his hands to his pants then boxers to shred apart to then manuver the human upon him.
Type looked to the side to eye that.
"Hey! Those were expensive! What the....mmm!"
Type lifted his head back has he went down on that cock, for tharn to have moved his shirt back to then go to his nipple to consume.
Type placed his hands to the back of the couch to grip has he rode on that massive, oozing pre Cummed soaked cock.
"Faaaaaa.......touch my......oh god!"
Tharn placed his hands to types cock to then stroke to move his head up a bit to look over type to be a bit happy he was out of his mind.
"Nn......bite.....aaah....bite me!"
Tharn then moved up to place his canines in to do just that has type rode him and hard.
To the floor, tharn was hovered over type to have his canines to his neck has he thrusted himself good and deep inside the human
Type had his legs and arms wrapped about this man to be going up and down hard to be moaning and loud.
"Aaah God! I'm going to cum again! Shit! Why the fuck does this have to feel so good!"
Tharn then started to move quicker has he was too the brink of climaxing.
Type then placed his fingers into tharns back to then explode between them, given his canines we're inside of type, tharn couldn't help but to consume.
Type lifted his head back a bit to lick his lips.
"Don't..... Tell me your done! I want more!"
Tharn took his canines out to go to types neck.
"More you shall receive my human."
Types eyes widen to then dart.
"What...... What did you just.....holy shit!"
Tharn turned type about to then reinsert to give him everything he had to hang his head with a face.
Why did I say my human?
Tharn shook his cleared head to give the nurse another glorious round.

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