this is not possible

445 53 26

Drawing his own blood, type looked over the vile with a hard face. Signing, he then placed it into the machine to then eye the count down.
Why does this have to take 24 hours?
Type rolled his eyes to then turn to leave the station after marking it off limits, to then go about to do his rounds with a lot on his mind.
Going to the file room, he sat down to start to go over some, he wanted to take his mind off of things at hand at that moment.
Type then placed his hand to his neck to rub..
There is not going to be anything wrong with you, your human, so they what is going to happen? I really do want to get into a relationship with a human woman, have kids, but with him none of that is really possible, if he is true to what he has said, he would be the first vampire in history to actually feel love.
Type shook his head.
This is impossible, vampires are the walking dead like zombies, they do not feel one fucking thing for anyone but themselves.
Type then squeezed his eyes tightly shut has what almost happened with that one vampire in the club past his mind.
To a room, Mr. Vanuro darted his eyes about has he looked over miss Mortimer's paperwork.
I've been giving her to much of my blood. Almost has her cured.....I can't......
Mr. Vanuro made a hard face.
Miss Mortimer took in a deep breathe to then turn her head to look him over..
"Thought.....I can only give off that expression." She lightly laughed.
Mr. Vanuro composed himself to look her over.
"All your tests are coming back very well."
Miss Mortimer looked him over a bit confused.
"Yes but...... Your counts are all still low. I believe this is just remission. I am very sorry."
Miss Mortimer signed to then turn her head forward to look down.
Type came in to look straight to mr. Vanuro.
"I am sorry to interrupt, however room 145 is in need of you "
Mr. Vanuro looked to type a bit confused to then eye miss Mortimer who had looked down, she was still mad at type for not sleeping with her.
"Um...... Give me a moment."
Mr. Vanuro then left to follow after type.
"Mr. Tamura? What is the meaning of....."
Before they got to room 145 which was a office, they passed by a room where type then placed his hand to mr. Vanuros wrist to then pull him in to then turn to push him to the door to then place his hands to his collar to then dart his eyes about.
"Say it."
Mr. Vanuro looked over him confused.
"Say what exactly?"
Type narrowed his eyes..
Mr. Vanuro raised an eye brow.
"Thought you told me last week not to....."
Type hung his head to take in deep breathes has that one vampire started to creep into his mind.
"Just say it!"
Mr. Vanuro darted his eyes about, to then slowly move his hands up to then place his hands to types face to caress, type signed.
Mr. Vanuro slowly moved his head forward.
"I love you."
Type then moved his head up a bit to then watch has Mr. Vanuro moved his head closer to then place his lips to his to then have there kiss intensify.
A bit later to the wall, type had his head turned to the side to be moaning and breathing heavily, has his pants and boxers were to the side of them, has he was wrapped all about tharn to be pentrated and hard on the wall to then curl his bottom lip inward has tharn had his canines into his neck to slowly take his blood has they were into this act.
Tharn then started to move himself in and out slowly to then take his canines out of types neck to then go to his ear.
"I love you human."
Type signed to move his head up a bit to then move his body with tharns has he was starting to get closer to climax.
"I....... Don't love.... You.... Just......god! Don't stop!"
Tharn rolled his eyes, to then move them about to go to the floor, to then place his hands to either side of types head to then start to really ram himself in..
Type lifted his head back to place his hands to tharns back to grip and hard.
Tharn kept his eyes on type to then take his cock out to rest his tip to his outter, type furrowed his brow.
"What the fuck tharn!?"
"What brought this on?"
Type made a face..
"Just fuck me."
Type groaned to then turn his head forward to open his eyes to look to tharn.
"Just...... Make me cum."
"I would have before I fell for you, now I want to know what has brought this on."
Type took in a very deep breathe.
"I just want you to make me cum okay."
Tharn darted his eyes over type to then shake his head.
"I want more then that type."
Types eyes widened has tharn started to move away, type shook his head to then push tharn to his back to then reinsert to lift his head back to then ride this mans cock..
"Not this time tharn! Just make me cum! "
"Why all of a sudden?"
"It's fucking because of you! Had to think.....ugh! Don't want to talk about it! Just make me cum! You owe me that!"
Tharn darted his eyes over type, to then place his hands to his shoulders to then take him down, to then thrust in deep but stopped.
"What were you thinking about?"
Type darted his eyes about tharn.
"If you actually care about me, then just make me cum!"
Tharn parted his lips to then really ram himself into type who then moaned loudly in bliss.
After, the two were with there backs to the other has they got dressed, tharn then turned to eye over type.
"So..... Why did that happen?"
Type signed.
"I still really don't want to talk about it."
"What did you think type?"
"I said I don't want to fucking think about it!"
Type then bolted to the door for tharn to be over it to eye type.
"Type....... Talk to me."
Type made a hard face to then look down.
"I....... Thought about.... Someone okay and what they almost......ugh! Tharn.... Please move!"
Tharn looked over type to then take a step forward.
"We need to go."
Type looked over tharn confused.
"I need to take care of you. Mm...."
Tharn then stepped a bit closer to then place his hand to his face to caress.
"I want to take care of you."
Types lips parted to dart his eyes over tharn to then pounce.

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