other life stumbles in

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With his head lifted back, type had his arms wrapped about tharns neck, to be completely without clothing to be going up and down his cock, to moan and loud.
Tharn kept his eyes to him to dart about, has this was a recurring thing by day three.
Everytime type woke up he would eat until he was very full to then drink has much has he could to then find tharn to get into this action.
Tharn curled his bottom lip inward to then fill type once again.
"Aaah! God!"
Types body quivered has he came and hard inbetween them. Type then moved his head down to lay his lips to tharn to move there tongues about the other to start to go up and down that cock once again.
Type then hit the floor to place his hand to his lower back to look angerly at tharn who didn't give him a chance to talk to then pick him up in speed to then take him to the bedroom, for tharn to get dressed to then close the doors behind him to have his head turned to look to odot, for her everything passed in a mere second after she used her key to come in.
Type breathed heavily after he was too his back to have his head turned to shake his head.
What the hell was that!
He then parted his lips to sit slowly up to place his hands behind him has he heard odot.
Type rolled his eyes to then go to the mini fridge to snack.
Tharn then stepped to odot to look over her to wrap his arms about himself.
"That was a bit rude "
Odot took off her shoes to then turn to eye over him.
"What was?"
"No knocking. No ringing the bell?"
Odot looked over tharn a bit confused.
"Why do I have to do those things? I am your fiance."
Tharn looked her up and down to then turn.
"That you are, however I would like you to either call or text when you are too be coming over. Are you to be hungry? Thirsty?"
Odot then followed to sit to a stool to then look over the kitchen.
"A bit thirsty. Just water please."
Tharn nodded to then go to a cabinet to grab a cup to then go to the sink to fill.
"So.... What is the reason for this?"
"It's been almost a month tharn. I haven't heard from you. "
"I am fine. Work has been hectic."
Odot narrowed her eyes .
"Mm..... Well that's something I wanted to talk to you about. I tried to go to the hospital first today and they said you were on a weeks vacation. You have never done that before. Why are you to be doing this now?"
"The nurse I am too be living with. Apparently this is a anniversary to something negative that happened in his life."
"And? Why did you take a weeks vacation for that?"
Tharn turned to then place the cup of water to the counter to look over her.
"We pair of quite often in the hospital. I can not allow him to narrow any mistakes. Thus why I am too be here "
Odot looked over tharn to then sign to look down.
"Okay....... Well...... Let's you and I go and do something. I have missed you "
Type with his ear to the door Darted his eyes to make a face.
Is this vampire going to leave? I really don't want to start to think about.....
Type gritted his teeth to then turn to try and figure what to do to keep his mind occupied.
Tharn narrowed his eyes over odot.
"Did you not listen to one thing I said to you?"
Odot looked up.
"Yes I did. But this nurse is a grown man. Can be left alone tharn. I want us to go on a date night or...."
Tharn shook his head.
"Not this week. I can plan something for next, however for this time being, you need to finish your drink and leave."
Odot made a hard expression to then look down.
"Is this nurse more important then me?"
Tharn looked her over.
"Odot. What is the one thing I told you before I proposed."
"Mm...... Don't get in the way of my work?"
"True. This nurse is apart of my work. Now finish your drink and leave."
Odot scoffed, she then got up without finishing her drink to then move about to stand to the middle of the floor to look forward.
"Next week.... Don't plan anything for us......I really do not like how you are too be treating me tharn and I do not deserve this. I deserve to be more then a person to your arm."
Tharn then watched odot go to then turn to go back to type.
Opening his doors, he then raised an eye brow. Type immediately got up to then grab a pillow from behind him to cover his lower that he was starting to play with, tharn rolled his eyes to then go to him to then take the pillow away to throw to the side to then place his hands to his shirt to then take over his head to then go to the bed to then push type back to then hover over him to shake his head.
Type rolled his eyes to then place his hands to either side of tharns shorts to then start to lower.
"Started to think again. I do not want to."
"I was only gone for maybe 5 mintues. What are you going to do once this vacation is over?"
Type Shrugged to then place tharns shorts has far has he could down to then tilt his head to the side to then place his mouth to his for them to swirl there tongues about, type then wrapped his arms about his neck to pull him further down to plant his feet to either side of tharn has he connected them to move his body with his, type at this moment, really couldn't get enough.

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