"The White Wolf and The Raven."
"What an unlikely pair."
James Buchanan Barnes is the leading man of this story. However, This is the story of The Raven.
The Raven, Also known as Sofia Romanoff...
Sofia passes out three more beers as she sits at the table, With Bucky to her left and Mason to her right.
Tearing the cardboard flaps off of the other two pizza boxes, She tells Bucky, "This one is basically a plain cheese pizza with fresh basil," Pointing to the Margherita style.
"And this one is the same with ham." She points to the Vesuvio, Both making his mouth water from the heavenly smell of freshly baked dough and herbs.
"No no, Listen, if you're in Sweden you have to try a signature Swedish pizza!" Mason protests
Sofia looks on at him with disgust painted all over her face, "Don't listen to him, his choice in pizza is horrid."
"It's delicious!"
"Disgusting, Mas!" They bicker back and forth like siblings.
"What is it?" Bucky asks innocently, Watching as Mason tilts the open box in his direction.
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A mysterious looking meat lays hidden between mozzarella cheese, And the Jalapeño peppers, Shreds of onion, Lettuce, Something green that he can't tell whether it's supposed to be pickles or cucumber, Slices of tomato, And the entire pie has some sort of white sauce drizzled on top.
"Try a slice, It's really good!" Mason nods proudly.
Bucky glances between him and Sofia to find her shaking her head no.
"Are you sure you don't mind?"
"Of course I don't, I can't put an whole one of these things away like she can." Mason chuckles.
"Hey!" Sofia mumbles, her mouth fill of cheesy goodness.
"Don't 'hey' me, I've watched you eat an entire one of these yourself and then dig into Natasha's too." He teases.
"Maybe I'll try one slice, Thank you." Bucky offers a polite smile as he pulls the smallest slice from the box, The smallest still being roughly the same size of his gigantic hand.
Mason watches eagerly as Bucky takes a hesitant bite, The various colorful toppings raining down onto the table, And Sofia breaks out into a hysterical laughter as his face twists in disgust.
"It's good, right?!" Mason asks excitedly.
"He's gonna throw up." Sofia waves her hands in front of her eyes to spare herself the sight.
"No hes not!" Mason argues.
"Yes he is!" Bucky mumbles about himself in third person, Racing to the stainless steel sink and spitting the strangest combination of food hes ever tasted at once, out.
"Screw you guys, This is the best pie this country has to offer!" Mason pouts.
"Whatever you say big guy." Sofia pats him on the soldier, "James, have some of the cheese pizza. It's much better, I promise." She smiles up at him as he rejoins the table.