Chapter I

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Yes that's a continuation of my Pibby book! And it's not like someone has been begging just to do it, surely it's not like that. Yeah I decided to post one chapter already just to you know start it all. Soo yeah let's get it started!

TanqR's p.o.v.:
It was two and a half weeks after the whole corruption incident. Everything was going back to normal. But people like me, Kreek, Ashley, MiniToon, Chrisu and others are now treated like idk... I just noticed that people aren't really calling me stuff when I'm going out, and maybe they are a bit nicer? It isn't normal for me, so I'm just kinda confused.

But apart from that scientists in Robloxia city are doing some tests and experiments to this weird substance to see what it is, I have no idea how they managed to get it. They said that there are small chances of the same situation repeating once again, so I guess there is nothing to be worried about.

Sabrina messaged me like 2 days ago that the RB Battles finale will be soon. I was surprised that they managed to clean up this mess in two weeks. Anyway, I've been feeling much better lately. Because as most of you know I had a little hole in my stomach, haha. I don't blame MiniToon for doing that, he did what he thought is necessary. Also people have been helping me a lot now. Especially Hoopie, Bandites and surprisingly Kreek show up a few times. Ignoring the fact that our every conversation ended up with an argument he was still coming back. But I'm not sure if I will be able to cure to the finals, since Sabrina told me it's apparently going to be on Saturday and today is Wednesday. I have only 3 days to rests.

Talking a bout Kreek. I never said thank you to him... it's not nice of me, looking how much he helped me. Meh- we will probably see each other on Saturday. Probably I'm still not sure if I will be able to. Suddenly someone knocked at my doors. I stood up and went to see who it was. I unlocked the doors, opening them after. It was Hoopie.

Hoopie: Hello there!
TanqR: Hi Hoopie. Come inside.

I let her inside and told her to sit in the sofa.

TanqR: Do you want anything to drink?
Hoopie: No thank you I'm not thirsty. I came to ask how are you feeling.
TanqR: I feel great, why are you asking?
Hoopie: RB Battles finale is soon and I don't know if you are able to start.
TanqR: Sure I'm! It cured spoko fast that now there is only a scar left. I will be training for the two last days and I should be ok to start.
Hoopie: If you say so. You know what? What about we start today? There is still some time left till night.
TanqR: Sure! I haven't trained for soo long, I really need that.
Hoopie: Then c'mon, pack your stuff if you need to take anything and, let's go!

I went upstairs to grab some stuff. I didn't know what exactly I needed. Some water and I think that's it. Oh and my favourite knife. If we will be training knife fights I need to have it. I packed these in a small bag and head downstairs to then went out of my home with Hoopie. I locked the doors behind me and together we walked away.

Kreek's p.o.v.:
I was hanging out with PghL and MiniToon. We were on our way to café. I don't really like coffee but if they wanted to go there soo bad than I will go with them. On the way we were talking about the most random stuff.

Kreek: PghL, I got a quick question.
PghL: Yep? What is it?
Kreek: Remember this whole corruption incident?
PghL: Of course I do.
Kreek: How did you survived? Because as far as I know you didn't got corrupted.
PghL: Hmm- well let's just say I fight my way out of the HQ.
Kreek: Wait you killed them??
PghL: No! I wouldn't do that! I was trying to push them away from the exit, which means I needed to fight them. And even though I left the main area earlier I still needed to fight. Then I managed to get on one of the buildings and watch everything for here. And I even saw you Kreek running into the forest.
Kreek: Oh wow.
MiniToon: You know I'm still here, right?
PghL: I also saw you MiniToon with your little space ship. Haha.

They both were talking about something while I noticed someone walking towards us. They seemed oddly familiar. Wait. Cape, blue hair and a mask. It's TanqR. What the heck is he doing here! I was hoping he will get sick or something and winning RB Battles will be much easier for me! Ugh- it's so unfair! Always when I'm trying to do something, it fails.

PghL: Oh look Kreek your enemy is coming.
Kreek: Please PghL, at least you don't remind me about that. Just you two stay quiet and we will walk pass them.
MiniToon: Oh Hell nah, I haven't seen Hoopie in a long time I wanna know how she has been doing!
Kreek: MiniToon, don't you dare-
MiniToon: Ahoj Hoopie!

Then they both immediately looked at us. Gosh I swear MiniToon you are dead. I looked at TanqR and he also didn't seem happy about that. We finally met each other and they start talking...

Hoopie: Hello MiniToon. It's been a long time isn't it?
MiniToon: Yeah!
Hoopie: Also Hi PghL and Kreek.
PghL: Hello!

I didn't answered her, I was too mad at MiniToon now.

Hoopie: What's wrong with him?
PghL: He is mad because we wanted to talk for a while with you both.
MiniToon: And looking at TanqR he isn't happy about that as well.
Hoopie: When two enemies meet each other.
TanqR: Shut up.
Kreek: Exactly.

They started laughing at us, but I didn't find this situation funny. As well as TanqR. After a while they started talking again. It was getting tired of it we were supposed to go and not be close to TanqR. I literally wanted to leave them alone and go back to my house just to not waste my time. But that wouldn't be nice of me.

Kreek and TanqR: Can we go now?!
PghL: Holly, someone is inpatient.
MiniToon: I think it's a good time to go.
Hoopie: Yeah we should go as well. Bye!
MiniToon: Cya!

And we went away from each other. I hope me and TanqR won't meet any times soon, not counting the finale...

Have a great day or night.

The same story all over again. |RB Battles x Pibby Corruption|Where stories live. Discover now