Chapter VII

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Hiiii y'all
Yes that goofy ahh stupid mf decided to get her lazy ass and write something after like 3 months. That doesn't mean I feel better now but I felt bad bout the fact that I left y'all like that. So here I'm. Again sorry bout that my life is not going good so far but I felt like writing today.
Anyway on to the chapter
Hyper's p.o.v.:
The timer has started but I didn't know what I'm supposed to do. I haven't practiced most of the games and I'm not really good at this one. And also why does DJ meant by saying that I'm going to be his if I'll lose. Why is he doing it to us and why he wants to hurt us? Ughhh this stupid corruption thing. I HATE IT!

P.DJ: Hyper you better get moving if you want to stay alive.

He is right everyone is probably close to the middle of the map and I'm here thinking about the whole situation. I placed the first bomb and hid behind the corner to not get hit and I did that a couple more times. I got some nice boosts out of it like extra bomb, more speed or better explosion. But is it enough to beat literal bots who are probably more smarter than I'm. So far the only eliminated was Kreek and Denis. Of course TanqR the biggest world Roblox sweat stayed. I know it's a bot but honestly I kinda hate that guy. Dude thinks that he is the best and no one can compete with him. And he keep on arguing with Kreek, I really don't like being close to him. Back to the battle. Almost every wall was destroyed at this point and we were trying to use our bombs to get rid of each one another, but I felt like TanqR and Ashley after some time started to teaming on me just to get rid of me fist, but I'm not giving up so quickly. I was dodging the explosions like it was nothing and I also tried to blew them up somehow but all the hard work I was putting into it gave no result. Those boys doesn't seem so smart but the thing is u get tired after some time they don't, and it's hell annoying. Then after some time spikes started to fall of the sky. I needed to dodge them as well now. It's soo annoying. The area was slowly closing and it was still 3 of us. After a while of dodging spikes and bombs the area was too small to even move around there is nowhere to move. So we were all huddled up together and I guess the one who will die last wins. But Ashley's bot decided to do something ridiculous. She placed one bomb so we will all die together?! NO. SHE WILL MAKE ME LOSE, THERE IS NO WAY TIES COUNT. IM GONNA LOSE! Two seconds passed and all I could remember was a bomb exploding. Then I woke up in a dark room.

Hyper: Uh- is anyone here?
P.DJ: Of course there is you silly. I was watching you this whole time.
Hyper: Ok DJ I have no idea what is going on in your mind and this corruption but I'm done with your shit.
P.DJ: Well you're gonna need to deal with it for even more time now since the last round you played was a tie I decided to give you one chance you better not tie another one because I won't have any mercy on you.

Then I suddenly felt dizzy and noticed that I was slowly disappearing.

TanqR's p.o.v.:
P.DJ: Ey you. Wake up.

I slowly started to open my eyes after hearing "DJ" trying to wake me up. I slowly stood up but of course teleporting wasn't my strong side and it always got me dizzy.

TanqR: Hm- where am I now..?
P.DJ: You are in Boulder Run. I'm not even gonna explain anything to you because you know the game, just make it to the end. Soo get ready to start!
TanqR: ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I'm barely standing and you want me to run??
P.DJ: Exactly.
TanqR: No I want to rest for at least a little bit!
P.DJ: Too bad you can't loser.
TanqR: What did you just call me..?
P.DJ: Loser. Stupid useless loser.
TanqR: ...

Not gonna lie it upset me but I felt more anger. I know DJ would never said something like that. This corruption must have worked on his behaviour like that.. then I heard the count down which really caught me off guard. My whole body was still shaking a bit but I needed to beat the boulder run to survive. I got myself ready and right after that we started. This minigame is really easy but when my visible is blurry and my eyes full of tears as well as my whole body is shaking it's really hard. Fortunately the beginning was really easy but soon after it got much harder. Moving platforms and bunch of other obstacles. Once I almost fell into the toxic waste because I lost balance on one of those moving platforms. I just hope it's not about who is gonna be fist because if so I'm dead and the Boulder is right behind me and I really needed to speed up. The rest wasn't that hard for me since I I felt a little bit better and I even caught up to some people but ahead of me there are two finishing jumps which I'm scared I'm not gonna make. I tried to speed up as fast as I could and the first jump wasn't a problem but in the second one I jumped too early and almost fell into to the toxic substance I just barely grabbed the edge and climbed up to the space ship.

DJ: Well it looks like you made it. I expected that and you weren't last. Well I don't have anything more prepared for you. See you soon.
TanqR: Wait what do you mean?!

Again I'm really sorry for my disappearance I'm so sorry for everything. Idk if I'm gonna upload a lot school is a lil bit yk stressful and all that anyway I hope you have a great day or night and yeah!
Cya maybe.

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