Chapter VIII

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Hyper's p.o.v.:
I slowly started opening my eyes. My vision was slightly blurry but it was back to normal after few seconds. I slowly sat up due to my body hurting a little bit. When I was sitting I looked around to see my surroundings but I couldn't see anything it was pitch black then I looked a little bit down and saw Ashley Kreek and TanqR laying on the ground. I decided to go and try to wake them up but then I thought, what if they are also on of those bots and they will most likely attack me, when I'll touch them. I decided to wake up Ashley because I thought I have at least a small chance to defend myself, if this will happen. I slowly crawled to her and started shaking her a little. After a minute she started opening her eyes. Ehh... here comes nothing I guess. She wide opened her eyes and sat up.

Ashley: H-Hyper?
Hyper: Ashley is that's you?
Ashley: Of course it's me, what do you mean?
Hyper: Wait, you didn't saw those bots who look like us?
Ashley: Hmm- oh I think I remember something about it. Oh now I know why you asked.
Hyper: Yeah, soo now do you think we can wake up those two?
Ashley: I'd rather not. It's finally quiet for once and they will probably start arguing about some sh*t again.
Hyper: It's not a good time for jokes you know?
Ashley: Whatever, lets just wake them up.

I came up to Kreek and started shaking him a little. Soon after he also woke up. I've explained him what's going on and where are we. Then we were all talking surprisingly without any trouble.

TanqR: I just wanted to ask one thing.
Ashley: Go ahead.
TanqR: Where is Denis? He was in finals too..
Hyper: That's a good question..
Kreek: I-

We all looked at him. He clearly seemed really stressed out as if he was about to cry. We didn't know why and we started comforting him. Now I'm really curious what happened to Denis and it seems like Kreek knows.

Hyper: Did something happened to Denis?
Kreek: He is-
TanqR: He is what?? Just say it.
Hyper: Wait what..
Kreek: We were supposed to be together in a team on Dodgeball. But when I tried to wake him up he just didn't move, he was dead..
Ashley: Oh my..

Ashley started crying with him. I honestly wanted to cry too. TanqR was just standing here trying to hide his sadness but I knew how much he liked to spend time with Denis.
(Am I the only one who noticed how much TanqR likes Denis (in friend way))

Hyper: I really don't know what to say I'm-. I'm just speechless...
TanqR: We need to move on from it and think what is now. We don't even know we're are we.
Kreek: He's right..

Suddenly all lights went on. We were blinded by them but after we got used to it we looked around. It was just a huge gray room with nothing in it. In the distance I could spot someone who looked oddly similar but different. After they got close enough I realised it was Dj...

P.DJ: I see all of you woke up that's great!
TanqR: Great?! Tell what the f**k you did to Denis?! To us?!
P. DJ: Shhh.. it's not the right time for questions gentlemen and lady.
TanqR: Ehhh.. what do you want from us?
P.DJ: What I want?

DJ started laughing. We were really confused why. This corruption completely drives him insane.

P.DJ: What I want?! Hah.. I WANT YOU DEAD!

Then he pulled out all 3 swords. The swords started glowing and soon after they flew in the air. A bright light started appearing, which blinded us for a while. After we could look back we saw DJ holding the completed RB Battles sword. I didn't know if it will change anything but I took a look on Kreek and he stood there with scared face, in fear.

Hyper: Kreek, is everything alright?
Kreek: He- he got the full power..
TanqR: What?! What do you mean by that?!
Kreek: We can't beat him like that. He.. he just has the full power of every ability. You know how judges were mastered in one ability?
TanqR: Well... yeah? Hold on don't f**king tell me he..
Kreek: Yes, now he has all of 3 abilities. He is basically unbeatable right now. If all the abilities are combined they work way stronger.
Ashley: What are we gonna do now..?
Kreek: I have no id-
P.DJ: You really thought I would just kill you right here? Ohh.. no no no. It's not it. I have something way better prepared for you. Let me introduce you to my small army.

Then we looked up and saw a lot of corrupted people. I just freaked out. I felt my legs shaking. I looked at others. TanqR fell on his knees in pure shock. Ashley was about to cry and Kreek just stood here as he did before.

P.DJ: Since I wanna see a nice show I'll let you have one weapon.

Then all of us got a blue sword. TanqR said that it's a diamond sword, I mean I guess it's not bad but I have no idea how to use swords right. Then we saw all of them running at us and surrounding us quickly but we decided to not give up and try to pull out a fight and who knows, maybe win? Maybe..

Imma end it here sorry guyssssss I wanna take the fight for another part (which you'll see in 2 month probably)
Nahhhh jk jk if I'll feel like writing I write it as soon as I can I promise :D
Okay have a great day or night!
Bai bai

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