Chapter II

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Ahhh yes, the break was really doesn't mean I feel fantastic now and that I'm gonna upload daily but I do feel much better. Not only to write but overall my mind and my mental health :D

Sabrina's p.o.v.:
Rb Battles starts soon and we still didn't cleaned up the area after this whole incident. We thought that this will be enough time to finish cleaning but apparently not. This black stuff is so hard to clean. It's easy to get corrupted again and I don't think anyone wants that. But I think it shouldn't happen again and these re just left overs from this whole situation.

Russo: Sorry Sabrina! I'm late I know, but people are soo hyped up for the event I couldn't get through them and also some people decided to ask me about the event..
Sabrina: You haven't told them anything right?
Russo: Of course I haven't! Why would I?!
Sabrina: Russo..?
Russo: Fine I told them a few things about the final battle! But only because they didn't wanted to let me through.
Sabrina: Oh my god Russo.
DJ: Hey, I'm back. The steering panel is fixed and the games are set. I think we are ready!
Sabrina: Yeah but this black stuff is all over the place and there is no way I will be able to clean this up in time.
DJ: No problem we can help you, right Russo?
Russo: Yeah, Yeah-
DJ: Oh c'mon Russo, we can't just leave Sabrina like that.
Russo: Yeah I know. Fine let's do this.

And that's how we three together ended up cleaning the whole HQ and trying not to get corrupted once again. It was pretty fun actually, though we know each other for years now and some people even ask how are we not bored of each other. Well I don't know how we aren't but always when we are together we have so much fun.

Ashley's p.o.v.:
It's only a few days before the final and I don't feel like training instead I prefer spend this time with friends and calm down before them. And I guess it's not only me because Hyper is also up for that. We decided to hang out together this evening, we also invited Sanna and Peetah. Sadly Hyper couldn't come with Cari, after the incident she got severe injuries. If I'm not wrong something from the roof fell on her, I don't know what it was. But it caused a lot of bone breaks. I hope she will feel better soon but for now she need to stay in the hospital. Anyway, we were walking to the nearest restaurant we could find because none of us wanted to walk long distances just to get to a good restaurant. So we just decided to go there. It wasn't the best restaurant, but they have fantastic coffee. When we got there I immediately spotted someone oddly familiar. I looked at Hyper and I guess he also noticed Kreek who was sitting on the couch with two other people. Im sure one of them was MiniToon but the other person doesn't seem really familiar.

Hyper: Should we go?
Peetah: I mean why not we could have a nice talk together who knows.
Sanna: What are you waiting for c'mon let's go!

Together we walked over to those three.

Sanna: Hi Guys!
Kreek: Oh gosh you scared me!
Sanna: Sorry.
Hyper: Look who it is, it's MiniToon himself!
MiniToon: Man, stop you are making me feel special.
Hyper: How...?
MiniToon: I- uhh-.
Ashley: Oh never mind. Would you mind if we joined you.
Kreek: Of course not! C'mon sit up.

We sit up on the couch, unfortunately there wasn't enough place for everyone so Hyper decided to bring another chair from other table.

Kreek: Soo how y'all been doing after that?
Ashley: Before you ask anything, I wanna know who is he?

I said that while looking at this person. As I said I don't know them. When I looked at him, he immediately seemed stressed out. He probably didn't expect me to ask this question.

PghL: O-Oh well... I'm PghLFilms. PghL for short.
Ashley: Hmm.. nice to meet you! Sorry that question was kinda unexpected but I never seen you around. I also didn't saw you on the "finale".
PghL: That's because I decided to go out earlier. I just knew something was coming.
Ashley: Fair enough.
Kreek: Ok so now you guys know each other. How you've been going for these past says.
Hyper: Not bad, just feeling a bit weird. Everyone started treating us like some sort of heroes.
Sanna: Well they should! You saved The Robloxian city and who knows maybe the whole Roblox?
Hyper: Yeah, but I still don't think they should treat us like that. Like there is no point.
Peetah: Ok Hyper shush, you got to deal with it. And you Kreek how do you feel? Most of the people are counting on you, but not gonna lie you have some tuff competition this year.
Kreek: You mean him?
Peetah: Noo, it's not like that.
Kreek: Yea Yea sure.
Ashley: But Kreek you were the one who survived not him, that obviously means you are better.
Kreek: It's not like that..
Sanna: Then how?
Kreek: I- uhh.

Kreek's p.o.v.:

I opened my eyes. I think I was safe? I saw others fighting with this thing, then I looked up and saw TanqR holding that attack with my sword. Does that mean he won?

Kreek: What are you doing!
TanqR: Protecting you!
Kreek: BUT WHY?!
TanqR: Kreek you need to understand that YOU are the one who know the most about these swords! And if they will lose you they won't be able to make it alive!
Kreek: But what about you!
TanqR: Don't worry about me I will try to distract this thing as long as I can!
TanqR: At this point I don't care if I will make it alive or not! JUST GRAB RUSSO'S SWORD AND GO AND SAVE ROBLOX!
Kreek: Alright...

_End of flashback_

Kreek: Well it's kinda complicated...

I know a cut short but you know I just started!
I hope you have a great day or night

The same story all over again. |RB Battles x Pibby Corruption|Where stories live. Discover now