Chapter IX

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TanqR's p.o.v:


I had no problems taking out that little DJ's "army" others didn't seem to struggle soo much too. Corrupted people kinda acted like zombies, but with a few more braincells. Nothing could really stop me right now, I wanted at least 5 of us to come out of it safe and sound. But suddenly someone ran at me and jumped over me. I barely managed to dodge them. I quickly turned back to fight them but when I noticed who that person is I started feel my hands shaking. All my confidence just disappeared.

TanqR: Wait... Hoopie?
P.Hoopie: Who a-are y#u?! Ho-ow do yo# kn0w my n#m#-e?!
TanqR: It's me! I'm TanqR! I'm your boyfriend! You remeber??
P.Hoopie: Oh#h i-it's y#u... but yo# are-ren't my b-boy#riend... what a#e yo# tal#king a-abou-t..
TanqR: What...
P.Hoopie: Yeah! I nev#r l#ve-d yo#..
TanqR: Then why..

I felt my heart shrinking and breaking into million pieces. What did I do wrong? Why doesn't she love me anymore? I know she is corrupted, but nobody knows if she is telling the truth. What if she is and have been hiding it from me for soo long.. I'm so stupid I thought for once I could finally trust someone, after soo many betrayals, but I guess I cannot trust anyone because sooner or later they are gonna play with my feelings and trust... Why does everything like that has to happen to me? What did I do to deserve it? Why does everyone hates me so much? Maybe it would really be better without me? I lost my everything, how am I supposed to function normally after that? Im just done...
Suddenly I hear someone screaming.

TanqR: What happened...
TanqR: Wait.. WHAT?!
Kreek: Just take my shirt and try to cover it up, I don't have any bandages on me. After go eighth back to fighting. We will win it I promise!
TanqR: Okay...

As I was taking care of my arm, something inside me were telling me to just give up and let them infect me.
I don't feel any motivation to live at all, but I guess Kreek's words make it up to me and I started to believe in myself again, but not much tho. When I was done I grabbed the sword which I dropped. Then I offered Hyper to switch since at this point I can't look at Hoopie or anyone associated with her. The rest of the fight went fast and we finished them all off rather quickly.

P.DJ: Ph so you managed to beat my army?
Kreek: Yes, we will beat everything!
P.DJ: Oh really? Good for you I guess. If you're that confident I guess it's time fore my ultimate weapon.
Ashley: Wait What..?

DJ broke through the steering room on a platform. Took out the completed corrupted sword and looked at up with a smirk on his face.

P.DJ: Let's see if you'll beat this..

He did one small move with his sword and the whole ground started falling apart. We all feel into a pitch black void..

Kreek's p.o.v.:
I woke up with my back really hurting. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around me. It was a big closed area. Others were also with me, I noticed that because of TanqR's cut off arm, also talking about others, they started to wake up as well. All of us seemed really confused about where we were because it didn't looked like any of the mini games I played, or maybe it did a little bit? I'm really not sure... Suddenly the ground started shaking and something or someone landed in front of us. Ground shook again as it or they landed which caused all of us to lose balance and land on the ground again. When all the dust came down I could see who it was and we saw Denis? WAIT DENIS?? BUT HE WAS DEAD..

P.DJ: Ohh no no. You are wrong here Kreek..
Kreek: What?
P.DJ: As soon as I teleported you to a different place he woke up. He was just unconscious for a really long time. Now I took advantage of your stupidity and infected him.
Kreek: Wait.. no..
Ashley: Kreek what's that suppose to mean?
Kreek: I don't know.. I was sure he was dead.. I couldn't feel the pulse or breathing.. it doesn't make sense..
Hyper: At this point I don't know if you lied to us or you were telling the truth.
TanqR: He is right you may have lied about Denis dying but you seem really, like concerned about the whole situation.
P.DJ: Enough of talking time for your challenge.

A crown fell from the sky right on Denis head. Wait so we are playing Battle king?? Denis started growing bigger as well as got a sword.

P.DJ: Yes as all of you thought yes it's battle king, except none of you can steal the crown from Denis.
TanqR: Wait so he is just gonna be the King the whole time??
P.DJ: Trust me there are going to be happening way worse things than this. You just have to get rid of his all hp. Simple as that!

Than Denis started attacking us with his sword. It started just like the most simple boss fight all of us got a little caught off guard when Denis started to swing his sword unexpectedly but then all of you got back to fighting. We were doing decent if I can say that. None of us really had problems dogging his attack but suddenly all of us could hear a quick but loud scream. I turned around to see who it was. When I looked both TanqR and Ashley seemed confused. But then I realised.

Kreek: Where is Hyper..?

Haiiiiii :D
Yes finally chapter as promised.
Sorry for leaving you on a cliffhanger but yeh deal with it. :]
That's all for now
Have a great day or night and yeah
Baiiii baiii!

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