Chapter VI

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KreekCraft's p.o.v.:
I had a hard time opening my eyes. After a while when I finally decided to do it I noticed that I was laying on the floor. I slowly sat up and looked around the area around me looked like some sort of gym. It really made me curious of where am I. Then I looked on my right and saw Denis laying next to me. Hmm.. should I woke him up or he will wake up by himself. Ehh I don't think he will kill me for waking him up. I slowly stood up and came up to him. He didn't do a single move, I don't know if he is even breathing. I crouched next to him and started poking him on his arm but that didn't wake him. I started doing it more aggressively but it's still didn't worked.

Kreek: Hello?? Denis are you here??
DJ: Ohhh I guess we have an unexpected death here... what a shame..
DJ: Well it doesn't seem that his heart is beating and also his whole body is weak. I guess he couldn't even handle teleporting...
DJ: You are playing Dodgeball against TanqR and Hyper. And since Denis is dead you are on your own, I will take care of the body...
(Ahh yess perfect timing, I'm listening to "Friends that we made")

His body started slowly disappearing and I couldn't do anything about it. I was screaming for them to wake up but it didn't wake him. Shortly after he was gone and I was on my own against Hyper and TanqR..? I looked at their direction and they act a little weird. Like a complete bots or something. They didn't moved or said anything this whole time. They also didn't reacted for the information that Denis is not with us anymore. I stood up and kinda getting ready for my defeat. I don't think I will be able to beat those two.

DJ: Soo quick information before you grab the dodgeball balls. Since you Kreek are on your own I'm letting you get hit twice. Because it would be unfair right? Ok no more talking the round starts now!

Already?! No count down?! I'm not ready for it! Then I saw Hyper and TanqR throwing balls at me in the same time I just jumped of the way as far as I could, I hurt myself a little while I was doing it and I felt like one of those balls hit me. The person said that I have one more life. Damnit! I grabbed one of the balls which were in my side and threw. I used as much power as I could to throw it. And it hit Hyper. So now we got more serious fight. I grabbed the last ball with was on my side and I threw it at TanqR. I saw him throwing one at me as well. I again put as much power as I could into this. And surprisingly our balls meet in the middle and hit each other which cause them go back to us. I grabbed minds and run closer to the line and threw it. It didn't hit him but surely stop him from grabbing a ball. I did t had anything to throw now so I needed to dodge the ball. Damn.. maybe TanqR has a mask but I could feel the anger from him. He threw two balls at me in the same time I somehow managed to dodge them both. I grabbed one of them and the other ball hit the wall and came back to TanqR. I decided to go for it and I run to the line again and put the rests of my power into this throw. Before throwing I looked at him and tried to predict how he is gonna dodge it. It took me like a split second and I threw the ball. And as I was looking at what's is going to happen, TanqR clearly seemed to be catch off guard. He didn't knew what to do and he just give up. The ball hit him and he disappeared from the area. Soo that means I won?

DJ: Congratulations Kreek! You won, I didn't expect you to win actually.
DJ: But that's not the end for you..
Kreek: WHAT...?!

Ashley's p.o.v.:
A's I tried to catch up with Kreek on the race I picked up a boost which helped me a lot in catching up. I wasn't still there yet and there is not much way to go. I just need to hope that I will get another boost in next lucky block. And as I wanted I got it! I immediately used it and catches up with Kreek. He didn't seem happy about it and we tried to push each other off the side. We both were really desperate to do it. But after a while I got soo pissed off that I just turned the steer fully on the right. I didn't cared if I will fall or not. It made Kreek's car turn backwards and I could still turn it forward. So again I drove as fast as I can to the finish line. It was right in front of me. And after a few seconds I reached it! I started celebrating like crazy. It was one of the most intense races I had in a while.

DJ: I see you made it Ashley, but that's not the end for you!
Ashley: Wait what...?

Welp I hope you enjoyed!
Have a great day or night

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