Chapter IV

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Soo most of y'all might be wondering. Why I'm not uploading on the reminds of past book. Well I'm at the point where I need to write arsenal 1v1 anddd I can't write them because I think it would be boring. Yeah that pretty much it!

Hyper's p.o.v.:
It was only three of us one the Ball Boop area. Me, Kreek and TanqR. Ashley and Denis are our already. But TanqR and Kreek has troubles with keeping themselves on the platform. Both of them were on the edges of it. And as the platform tilted a bit they feel and I somehow stayed in. Hen the round ended due to both of them losing lives. I was actually proud of myself I managed to beat those two somehow! After it ended they both started complaining how they still had lives and why the round ended but I guess they didn't knew the rules of this competition. I had all 3 lives which obviously makes me the winner here. Soo that mean I'm on the lead now, yay! All together got teleported back to the RB Battles HQ, to see nobody.. no one was around. Before the competition started there were crowds of people , but now judges aren't even here.. what's going on?

Kreek: Hey Guys, is it just me or there was tons of people before the 1st competition started?
Denis: There were! What happened? Now there is no one.
????: Welcome competitors!
Ashley: Wait what? Who is saying that?
Hyper: This voice is really similar. Like DJ's low-key.
????: Why don't you find out by yourself?
Denis: But we don't know where are you! You could be anywhere!
????: Look at the steering room.

Everyone looked to the room and saw DJ looking at us though the window, while holding a mic.

Kreek: Wait what-? DJ?? What is going on here??
P.DJ: Ohh that's nothing I just want to have some fun you know..
Denis: But what's that all about? Where is everyone?!
P.DJ: You wang me to bring some people here, Alright..

He the pressed one of the buttons on his panel and all the entrance doors opened. We saw bunch of corrupted people coming in and taking seats. They were like under DJ's control! They didn't attacked us as they used to before.

TanqR: No.. don't tell me it's happening again..
P.DJ: IT IS! Now if you don't mind I will have my fun now... And since Russo is not here I will say that.
P.DJ: Competitors! Prepare to battle!

Then he pressed other button and 5 of us started slowly disappearing.

Kreek: DJ, what's going on?! Explain this!
P.DJ: Ohh that's nothing Kreek don't worry about it.

Soon after I woke up to see that I was in another minigame. I stood up and looked around I saw two huge crates next to me. So that means I have to be in Bombers Battle.

P.DJ: Welcome Hyper in Bombers Battle. I will explain quickly what you have to do because you might be confused. So on the map there is four other people which look like other finalists. Trust me it's not them. But I guess you know the rules of Bombers Battle. You got to stay alive the longes and bla bla. But the twist is if you lose this, you are mine!
Hyper: Wait what what's that supposed to mean?! HEY!

I didn't heard a word from him after and I could hear bombs already exploding. C'mon Hyper you need to get to grips and do it!

Ashley's p.o.v.:
I woke up because of a loud noise. I didn't know what exactly was it but right when I opened my eyes I saw that I'm in a cart and it was engine which was making that much noice. I snapped immediately and looked around to see others around me in carts as well.

Ashley: Hey what's going on? Are we going to race?

No one replied, instead of that they literally started at my soul. That freaked me out and I turned around.

Ashley: Jeez- what's up with them? Why did they looked at me like that?

I said that to myself as quiet as I can. Well I guess I need to race them. But how I'm supposed to win? They are much better than me.. No Ashley don't think like that you can do it just try your best. I sat confident in my seat getting ready for the hardest race of my life. A minute later the countdown started and a weird person started waving the starting flag. All of us drove off the line and the race started. Gosh what I'm supposed to do, I never had experiences with fast driving. Ok just do what you think is the best. I drove to the first lucky block. I was on the 3rd place. I've got a bomb from that which was pretty useless but I used that. I was right behind TanqR. Or I think it was him. I decided to drive a bit faster and try to push him off the road. He is probably really good at it so getting rid of him for a while will be a good idea. I drove up to him, he sure did notice me but didn't do much about it but then I hit the right side of his cart which caught him of guard, but soon he started trying to keep himself on. We were fighting like that for a while because we a head of Denis and Hyper. But then something hit me. I didn't knew what was that, but I got so mad that I turned the steer to the left as much as I could. This make him to drove to the edge of the map and the fall. I sighed, ok one down now it's time for Kreek. I picked up a lucky block while I was fighting with TanqR and I've got a boost from it so I used it to catch up wit Kreek...

The same story all over again. |RB Battles x Pibby Corruption|Where stories live. Discover now