Chapter V

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Sorry for being inactive for those weeks. I my wattpad app broke again and I fixed it a few days ago- and bro I won't be lying my motivation to do anything is like zero rn..

TanqR's p.o.v.:
I got woken up by the loud noises. As I opened my eyes I realised I was in a barn laying on a haystack. I sat up and looked around. I noticed a few people standing in front of the exit. My vision was really blurry and I couldn't recognise them. I got on my legs and I instantly regret that. I felt really dizzy as I was about to pass out. I guess my sickness of teleporting haven't got any better, huh? When I felt a bit better I started taking little steps, to get to those people. When I was close to one of them I put my hand on someone's shoulder, to keep myself on legs.

TanqR: Hello fellow...

Then the person pushed me away, which shocked me. I fell and looked at the person who was standing in front of me. It was Kreek? Why would he do that? I know he REALLY dislikes me but that was too much. I looked up at him. He was staring me down as if I was his worst enemy, someone he completely hates. I felt like he will jump on me and just straight up beat me up but something snapped inside of him and he immediately turned away from me. What the fu*k is going on?? I looked at the other people who turned out to be Denis, Hyper and Ashley. They also looked away from me. I'm really confused what is going on and what the heck got into them?!

P.DJ: Hello TanqR.
TanqR: Wait what DJ?! Where are you?!
P.DJ: Heh... look behind you.

I turned around to see DJ covered with corruption all over his body. He was smiling at me as he wanted to to something, I started backing up just to not touch him but the fact that I was sitting and still a bit dizzy wasn't helping me at all. He was coming closer and closer and I was backing up until I didn't hit something. It was a wall and he was still coming closer and closer. I was thinking what can I do but he was way too close at this point, also it didn't seemed like I have any weapons with me.

TanqR: W-what do you w-want??
P.DJ: Ohhh~ nothing really just came to see you.
TanqR: Ye stay back I'm not thinking for getting corrupted, it's painful.
P. DJ: Well I have other plans..

He came even closer and reached his hand. I can't do anything I can't kick him, or push him away. He then touched me and step back.

P.DJ: Have fun...

Then he disappeared. I saw the corruption slowly spreading on my mask. I need to take it of, RIGHT FU*KING NOW. I reached out with my hands behind my head and took of the mask, then throwing it far away. But some of it already got into my face. I quickly took off my cape as well and tried to wipe it off my face. When I was done and the corruption moved on the cape I threw it away as well. But as I threw it away and opened my right eye I realised I was blind? WAIT IM FU*KING BLIND. HOW DID IT HAPPENED?! IS IT BECAUSE OF THE CORRUPTION?! Ok, TanqR... clam the fu*k down... it's gonna be ok. Everything will end soon as it was last time.. at least I hope. With my one eye and no mask or eyepatch to cover it up from everyone I stood up and went closer the exit.

P.DJ: Hmm- soo I didn't achieved what I wanted.. you are a tough guy TanqR I gotta tell you that. But now it's time for your challenge since you didn't have up soo easily. Welcome to Mole Madness, an easy game to begin with. Good luck..
TanqR: Ok, easy game but I don't know how it works.. Hello? HELLO?!

Ughh this little... I stood next to Ashley, or I think it was Ashley. That all are acting strange.. these three were staring at me like I'm some kind of monster and Kreek almost beat me up. Suddenly a huge hammers appeared in our hands and the count down started. But how can I play when I don't know what I'm supposed to do?? Ok I will just watch them and then try to catch up with them because I feel like this competition depends on my life-. When the countdown ended and we had our green light everyone ran outside to see a bunch of moles peaking out and then disappearing for a while. Ohh to think I know what to do now. There were also diamond and gold moles which are probably good but there are also red ones which throw bombs at people. Ehh I don't care I will be getting every single one, it doesn't really matter. I then snapped out of my mind realising that I need to start playing because everyone is already really ahead of me. I started running around like crazy getting every single mole I could see. Also I found out those red ones doesn't minus your points and only stun you for a while I was much more confident to go much quicker and ty harder. After a while I was already tired, "everyone" was, with only a few seconds on the clock. Unfortunately I was neck in neck with Kreek, so I couldn't give up like that. At the end I used as much power as I got to settle this up and get a few more moles which changed scores and put me in the 1st place. I was soo happy considering the fact that I was probably fighting for my life made me even more happier..

P.DJ: Seems like you managed to beat it. It was way to easy for you... I gotta choose something much harder. Well congratulations with this challenge but I won't be holding back in the next one. Good luck...
TanqR: WAIT! NO!

I slowly started disappearing...

Hello back again!
Ehh I hope you liked it because I haven't wrote anything in a whileeee.
But that's all I wanted to mention here
Have a great day or night!

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