Chapter 1. A Man That's Strong

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"Maybe we should stop." I say, sitting up.

"What's wrong? Is this not working?" Connor asks, sitting back on his knees.

"It's just.. No. Nothing is." I say, pulling my spandex shorts back up my hips.

"I could try something else." He suggests.

"Connor, I don't think you're understanding me..." I slip on my oversized t-shirt back on. "You're just.. Not very good at it." Then, I slip on my Air Forces.

"Jeez Aspen, don't you think that's a little harsh?" He says, and I shrug.

"Maybe so. Well, this was fun. I'll see you around, Connor." I say, walking out of his bedroom. Pulling my thick curls into a high pony, I make my way down the stairs of the on-campus apartment complex.

I reach for the tinted-windowed glass door, opening it I almost run into to someone walking out. "Fuck sorry." I say, looking up.

Standing in front of me was a sandy blonde haired, a little under six foot tall, muscular guy. I'd never seen him before but, he was definitely my type.

"Sorry, go ahead." He says, opening the door wider.

I step out of it, the warm Louisiana sun hitting my face. I smile up at him, "Thanks.

"No problem."

"I've never seen you here before. You new?"

"Just transferred from UCLA." He says, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"California?" I ask, crossing my arms across my chest.


"Cool. I'm Aspen." I say, putting my hand out.

He slides his large hand into mine, giving it a firm shake. "Luca."

"That's cute." I say, smiling sweetly at him. "Well, I gotta go. Hopefully I'll see you around." I say, turning to walk away.

"I look forward to it." Were the last words he said before disappearing inside.

I unlock my car, opening the door before someone slams it shut. "Aspen Rhodette, I've missed you." The all too familiar voice of Theodore Nolan rings through my ears. I look up at him, taking in his appearance. His beach blonde hair was slightly longer than when I last saw him, making for perfect hockey hair. He had a couple days old scruff that he had yet to shave. And he had that same old cocky glint in his eye.

"Theodore." I say looking up at him. "I'm sure you have." He grins down at me.

"Whatcha doin' over here?" He asks. His deep, Louisiana-bayou accent, thicker than ever.

"Wouldn't you like to know." I say, leaning against his truck door.

"Get off my car."

"Get your hands off mine." I snap back. He reluctantly takes his hand off of my black Telluride.

"So, tell me, Theodore." I say and his jaw twitches at me calling him by his first, full name. "What's it like not being able to make a girl finish?"

"I wouldn't know. Maybe you should ask Connor. That is where you just came from.. Is it not?" He asks, resting his arm on his truck above my head, partly caging me in. He lowers his head down by my ear, "I bet I could finish what he couldn't." He whispers, his hot breath hitting my skin.

I turn my face, looking into his eyes. My lips just barely grazing his, "Wouldn't you like to try." I whisper. "You know, I could use a man that's strong," I say, running my finger down his bare arm, "attractive, knows how to have a good time.." I continue, knowing just how to hook him in. "Too bad you're not any of those things." I say, pushing him back slightly. I open my car door, "You'll learn one day, Theodore." I say, closing my door.

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