Chapter 22. Christmas Vacation

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"Theo!" Annie yells as she runs towards me.

I bend down, picking her up. "Hey!" I say, wrapping my arms around her.

"I missed you!" She says, looking down at me.

"I missed you too!" I say.

"The kitchen is this way." She says, pointing towards the living room.


"Daddy, look who I found!" She says as Greyson looks away from the TV.

"You did find him." He says, standing up.

He walks towards me before another man steps in front of me, he had light brown hair. "Theodore?"

"That would be me." I say, lightly chuckling as puts his hand in front of me.

"Evan Henderson. I've heard a lot about you." He says as I grip his hand.

"All good I hope."

"You play good kid." He says and I smile.


"Uncle Evan, move, you're in the wayyyy!" Annie says, reaching over to push him.

He laughs, reaching his arms out for her, "Come here you little shit." He throws her over his shoulder as he tickles her sides. 

She lets out a fit of laughter as she kicks her legs up.

"How are you?" Greyson asks, patting my shoulder.

"Good." I answer.

"Have a good Christmas?"


"Hope your parents don't mind us stealing you." He says as he leads me into the kitchen. 

"They're headed to my Uncle's so, I'm not missing much." I say, lightly chuckling. 

"I found it!" I man with salt and pepper hair comes walking through a door that looks like it leads to a basement.

This place was fucking huge.

The man has a bottle of liquor in his hand. "Oh, hey. Theodore?" He asks, a strong northern accent covering his voice.

"You can call me Theo." I say as I shake his hand.

"Sounds good. You like Bourbon?" He asks holding up the bottle.

"Yeah, it's not bad." I say and he grins, patting my arm.

"You'll fit right in then." He says as he walks past me and into an archway. 

"Everyone has been waiting for you to get here." Greyson says as I follow him into a large kitchen.

"Theodore!" Adelaide yells as she jumps into my arms. I laugh, patting her back a few times. 

"No!" She yells as someone tries to pull her off.

"He's not even your boyfriend!" Aspen says as she pulls her off of me, turning around and dropping her on the ground.

"That hurt." Adelaide says.

"I set you down on your feet." Aspen says before she turns around, a grin on her face. "Hey you."

She wraps her arms around my neck as my arms loop around her waist. "Hey." I say, kissing her cheek.

She leans up, quickly pecking me on the lips.

She turns around, grabbing ahold of my hand as she leads me towards the table. "Okay, there's a lot so pay attention."

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