Chapter 3. Overqualified

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"Shit, that was.." Luca breathed out.

I chuckle, "..Yeah. That was." I slide myself off of his cock, flopping down next to him.

May I have been using Luca as revenge, because Theodore lived next door and could definitely hear us? Maybe...

But also, Luca was hot, had BDE; which was well matched, and he knew how to use his mouth... Very well.

I reach over, grabbing Luca's t-shirt. He raises his head to look at me. "Do you mind?" I ask and he gives me a soft smile.

"No. So, you're staying?"

"Only if you want me to." I say, slipping the shirt on over me.

I couldn't sleep naked. It was weird. Maybe it was just some intimate thing I'd never experienced the right way. But, I've never needed or craved someone so much that I had have their skin on me my while I sleep. I guess that's what I get for being the "university maneater", as everyone liked to call me, instead of trying to find "true love".

Don't get me wrong. My parents are the definition of true love and I love that. I'm still a girl at the end of the day, of course I want the kind of love my parents have. You know the kind in movies. The kind where you "need someone so much you have to take them right there on a Disneyland ride", at least that's something like what Rachel Green herself said.

The day will come eventually, I'm just waiting for the right man. Until then, I play games so they don't get played on me.

"Of course." Luca says, slipping a clean pair of boxer briefs and sweatpants on. I had already slipped on my panties while I was lost in thought.

"You might be the best one-night stand I've ever had." Luca says, climbing into the bed. At least he knew it was a one night stand.

"You might be a reoccurring one night stand." I say, slipping under the covers.

"Hm.. I don't know if you've earned that yet." He teases.

"That's your loss then. I don't offer that, very often." I say, patting his arm that was draped over my waist. My back was against his chest as he spooned me.

He lightly chuckles, his muscles relaxing. "Good to know I qualify for it."

"I think you're overqualified, actually." I say, a grin on my face.

"Damn straight I am."


"Leaving?" Luca asks as he sits up.

"Yeah, I have class in an hour." I lie and he nods.

"Have fun." He says, laying back down.

"Thanks." I say, grabbing ahold of my heels.

I quietly walk out, going through the kitchen till I reach the front door.

I unlock it before opening it and closing it behind me. At the exact same time, Theodore is locking his front door.

"Good morning Theodore." I say, walking past him, I slap his ass. Yes, yes I did.

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