Chapter 7. Do You Want to Fuck Me?

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"I wouldn't be a sane woman if I hadn't thought about it." I state.

"So you've been having dirty dreams about me, Rhodes." Theodore says, a playful smirk on his lips.

I roll my eyes, "Like you didn't get off in the shower the other day, thinking about me."

"Maybe I did." He says. I can't even tell if he's joking or not.

"Do you want to fuck me?" I ask.

"I think you know the answer to that." He says. I sit there for a minute. "You're the hottest girl on campus, Rhodes. I'd be stupid to not want to."

"So, what are you gonna do?" I find myself asking, getting turned on by the second.

"What do you want me to do?" He asks, leaning back to sit on his ass.

I sit up a little more, moving our food out of the way. "Tell me about what you imagined me in doing in the shower the other day." I say, moving to sit between his legs.

"I didn't get off in the shower the other day." He says quietly.

"But, you have before, correct?" I ask, taking my bottom lip between my teeth. He nods, "And you've thought about me before?"

"Yes." He says, without hesitation.

"Tell me about one."

"Are you serious?" He asks, his posture straightening.


"Okay." He leans forward a bit. "There was this one time, you were, taking your sweet time, unbuttoning my pants and all." He says.

I reach forward, slowly unbutton his jeans. "Like this?" I whisper. He nods. "Did I take your shirt off?"

"It was already off." He says.

"So, take it off." He reaches for the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head.

I take my time looking at his bare chest.

Broad shoulders. Hard pecks. Rock hard abs. A happy trail leading down his waist band and a defined V disappearing in his pants.

He was toned and muscular. His whole body was.

"What did I do next?"

"You reached into my pants."

I slipped my fingers into the waistband of his boxer briefs.

"Stroked me a few times before you pulled my pants and boxers off."

I grabbed onto his hardening length, pumping my hand back and forth a few times.

I knew he was big. I've heard what girls say. But, from the feel of him just in my hand, I underestimated him.

I pull my hand out, pulling his jeans down, along with his boxers. His cock springs free and I groan. "Fuck." I bend down, swirling my tongue around the tip of his massive cock.

He groans, placing his hand on the floor behind him for support. "When was the last time a girl made you cum?" I ask, sitting up.


"Must suck." I say, a playful smirk on my face. "What was she doing?"

"Blowing me."

"How long did it take for you to even get hard?"

"Seven minutes."

I grab my phone, opening the timer.

"You have six minutes to cum, or you're never getting anything else from me again." I say, laying on my stomach. "Now, this is what it should feel like when a girl blows you." I say, starting the timer before I take his cock in my mouth. Wrapping my lips all the way around it. I start to bob my head up and down. Reaching the base, I try not to gag.

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