Chapter 10. You Get on My Nerves

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"Theodoreeee." Aspen groans as she sits up. "You gotta quit leaving hickeys on me." She says, looking down at her hickey covered stomach.

"What, they're not visible unless you wear a crop top."

"I have to wear a full coverage shirt to the gym. Also not to mention, I can't sleep with other guys."

"Thats my plan. I don't want you with other guys." I state, looking over at her.

"But it's okay for you to sleep with other girls?" She asks, an eyebrow raised.

"I haven't. I can't have sex with other girls now. They all suck compared to you." A cocky grin spreads across her plump lips.

"Damn right they do."

"And you will not be sleeping with other guys." I say, climbing between her legs. She takes the hint, laying back on the couch. "This body is mine." I say, slipping my hand under her bra. "Do you understand me?" I pinch her already hardened nipple.

"Yes.." She whispers, her back arching slightly. She raises a cocky eyebrow, "What if I get a boyfriend?"

I snort, "Yeah right. Like you'd settle down anytime soon."

"I could!" She sits up.

"Well you won't be. I can't have sex with anyone else now. You're my fuck buddy, don't ditch me."

"Let's make a pact."

"What kind of pact?" I ask, throwing my arm over the back of my couch.

"Neither of us get to sleep with anyone else. Unless, there's some random thing we're some guy or girl changes one of us and we start dating them." She says, slightly rolling her eyes.

"Deal." I say. She puts her pink out and I wrap mine around her's.

"Stamp it." She says, kissing her thumb. I chuckle, kissing my thumb and pressing it against hers. "Now,", she sits up, climbing on top of me to straddle me. "let's fuck, shall we?" Her lips come down to mine as my hands roughly grab her ass.

A knock on the door makes me groan. Aspen pulls back, sighing, "I'll be in your room."

I adjust myself and slip my shirt back on before walking to the door. I unlock it before pulling it open. Genevieve stands there, a thong in her hand. "Oh good, you're home.", she says, her fake tits pushed up entirely too high. "I've been thinking about you.", she rests her hand on my chest. I awkwardly shrug it off, stepping back a little. "What's wrong?"

"I'm not feeling up to it right now, Gen." I say a little loudly so Aspen hears.

"I can make you feel up to it.." She says, pushing her chest out more.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Aspen asks, appearing beside me, her arm looping around my waist. She was wearing my t-shirt. I grin, knowing Gen would be jealous at what Aspen just called me.

I still kind of hated it but, it didn't make me cringe as much as when other girls said it. I would not be calling Aspen that on a regular basis, anytime soon though.

"Nothing, baby. Just, telling Genevieve she needs to go." I say, wrapping my arm around her.

"Aspen?" Genevieve's eyes nearly pop out. She shoves her thong into her cleavage. You could tell any overconfidence she had was long gone the minute Aspen appeared. As it should, no girl compares to Aspen.

"Hey Genny!"

"Don't call me that." She narrows her eyes at Aspen.

I laugh, "Just like I told you not to call me 'baby'?" Her mouth parts open.

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