Chapter 13. Is That Too Tight?

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"That's good. Just, move your finger slightly down, and you got it." I instruct, adjusting Cameron's hand. "Now try it." I say as he moves his bow across the strings and an almost perfect C# is played. "Good job!" I say, giving him a high-five. "Alright, we're all done." I say and he smiles.

"Thanks Aspen." He says and I return the smile.

"You're welcome, I'll see you next week."

I walk out of the small room in the back. "Bye Mrs. H." I say, sending her a small wave.

"Oh Aspen dear, here." She hands me a small shiny key. "This is for if you ever want to just come in here and practice by yourself. You're welcome to come anytime." She says and I grin.

"Thanks Mrs. H." I say, ending down to give her a hug. "You're the best."

She grins, patting my arms, "Have a good evenin', darlin'."

"Thanks Mrs. H, you too!"

I pull my phone out, seeing a text from my family group chat saying that they've boarded the plane.

I quickly respond before pulling out of the small parking space behind the small book store.

My family always came up here for the first game of the season. I was beyond ecstatic to see them. It's only been two months but I missed them like crazy.

I pull onto the main road that leads back to campus. My thumbs drum along to the music playing in the background.

I come to a three way intersection. I have the right of way. I see a black Camry roll past the stop sign. I gasp, slamming on my breaks and laying on my horn. They turn left so I flip them off as they go in front of me.

Shaking my head, I ease my foot into the gas pedal. "Crazy motherfuckers." I say, turning the radio up.

I come to a red light as I slowly tap my breaks, coming to a complete stop. Knowing I'd be sitting at this intersection forever, since it was one of the busiest ones out of the entire campus, I turn the music up more.

Looking out my window, I see a familiar grey truck with the windows rolled down. A familiar head of blonde hockey hair comes into view.

I turn my music down, along with rolling my window down. "Hey Theodore!" I yell.

He grins before flipping me off, not even looking at me.

"Wow, that's someway to treat me. Especially after last night." I say.

He had a baseball cap on. Black aviators perched on his nose. A tight, athletic material, short sleeved top on, that hugged every muscle on his upper body. A tattoo peaked out of his shirt sleeve. One that I've traced multiple times... with my tongue.

"I heard Daddy's coming to town. Better be on your best behavior. Wouldn't want him learning about what his precious baby girl is really doing at college." He yells, finally looking at me.

I see a green reflection as I look forward, flipping him off as I drive away.


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