Chapter 11. All the Hickeys

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"Yo Rhodes. Been having a good time, huh?" Baz asks as I walk over to the bench press. He's sitting up, staring at my stomach.

"I always am." I say, standing over him.

"Spot me, will ya?" He asks and I nod.

I glance up in the mirror to see Theo smirking in the corner.

"Rhodes. What's with the hickeys?" Theo asks.

"Wouldn't you like to know, Theodore." I quip, placing my hands under the bar.

He flares his nostrils, even though I know he's faking it. He may still act like me calling him by his first name annoys him but, I know he enjoys it. Especially when I'm fucking him.

"Actually, I wouldn't. I'd rather not get an STD." He says and I narrow my eyes.

Oh, he's paying for that later.

"I thought you already had one?" I quip.

Baz lowers the bar before slowly pushing it back up, grunting the whole time.

I feel Theo's eyes rake across my bodily slowly. Glancing up, his eyes meet mine. He gives me a look that I've become very familiar with.

I smirk. My NikePro spandex were short and tight and my sports bra had a v-line. I had my hair pulled into a messy bun, leaving my collar bone on full display.

"You going to the party tonight, Rhodes Jr.?" Skylar asks, walking out of the gym locker room.

"You know I am."

"Better be."

"When have I ever missed it?" I ask, helping Baz push the bar up.

"Good point. Where something hot." He grins, walking out of the gym.

"Bring Caroline, will ya?" Baz asks, standing up and stretching.

"I'll see what I can do."

He nods, walking towards the locker room.

Him and Caroline have been flirting for two years. She refuses to have sex with him until he gets his shit together and quits being a man whore. Which is probably never gonna happen.

"What are you wearing?" Theo asks, leaning against the wall beside us.

"Haven't decided yet." I say, bending over to pick up my bag. I take my sweet time, knowing his eyes are glued to my ass.

"It better be tight." He says.

"Who knows." I say, shrugging my shoulders before turning on my heel.

Theo tugs my hand back, pinning me against the wall beside him. He stays the position he's been in, his side leaned against the mirror.

He lowers his head next to my ear, "When I get home in at 3, I better walk in my room to find you already in my bed... Naked." He says, releasing my hand.

I grin with my bottom lip between my teeth. "Count on it baby." I wink, walking away, swaying my hips a little extra.

I quickly shower and head home for a little bit before I head over to Theo's.

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