Chapter 17. Kinda Bada$$

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"Where are we?" Theo asks, looking out the windshield, as I turn the car off.

"Just come on." I say, getting out of the car. Theo follows my lead.

"Are you going to murder me?" He asks, coming up beside me.

"Yup. Been planning it since freshman year." I say.

"Aw shucks. Can I call my mama first, say goodbye." He jokes.

"Depends on how well you comply." I say, bumping his hip with my own.

"Seriously though, are we about to die?" He asks, looking around.

I grin, walking towards the door of the building. "Aspen?!" He asks, jogging to catch up with me.

I find the key that I need, on my keychain. I unlock the door before pulling the key out with a little jiggle.

"Seriously, where are we?" He asks as I pull the door open.

"Will you relax. Quit being a pussy." I say and he stands up straighter.

"I'm not." He says, his voice going up an octave.

"Sureee." I say, flicking the light on.

I grab ahold of his hand, dragging him down the hall. I swing open the large black, steel door. I turn to look at Theo as I turn the light on.

He grins, looking down at me. "Batting cages?"


"Are we supposed to be here?"

"My Uncle Aiden's dad owns it. He doesn't care." I say and he nods. "You wanna hit some baseballs or what?"

A grin spreads across his lips, "Hell yeah."

"Julianna asked about you." Theo says, changing the speed on his pitching machine.

"Oh yeah?" I ask, swinging my bat as it hits the neon softball.

"Yeah. She heard what happened at the game and wanted to know if you were okay."

"That's sweet." I say, hitting another ball.

"Are you okay?" Theo asks, swinging his bat as he hits the baseball.

"I mean, I've been better but, all things considered, yeah." I say, swinging my bat.

"Okay." He says.

We both swing our bats, each hitting a ball at the same time.

"We're kinda badass." I say, grinning as I whack another ball into the net.

"Damn straight we are." He says, his grin matching mine. "Sometimes I forget you're left handed and it throws me off." He says and I chuckle.

"It works out great for this."

"Why's that?" He asks, his leg turning inwards as he swings the bat, sending the white ball into the left corner of the net.

"Cause and get to face you." I say and he grins. "And see the look on your face when I beat your ass." I say, hitting the ball as hard as I could.

"I knew that was coming." He says, turning the machine off.

I follow his lead, my chest heaving up and down as I catch my breath.

"You good?" Theo asks and I nod.

"Yeah just.." I hold my finger up, "Give me a second." I say, breathing heavily.

I look up at the ceiling, closing my eyes when I feel two arms wrap around me. One arm hooked around my waist while the other was around my chest. I felt warm lips on my cheek as I rested the back of my head on Theo's collarbone.

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