Chapter 6. Hidden Talent

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"Aspen?! What are you doing here?" I quickly shot up from the piano bench. Switching my weight back and forth between each foot. Fuck, I was screwed. That's it, the whole town will know by Friday.

"You play the piano?" She asks.


"Yes you do, I heard you!" She says, walking towards me. "Theodore," she says, a grin on her face, "you're really good!" She pulls a chair over.

"No, I'm not. I don't play at all." I say and she grins.

"Are you embarrassed?" She asks, a playful smile on her lips.

When I don't answer she stands up, "Wait here." She says before she disappears down the stairs. A minute or so later she comes back up, a cello in her hand. My brows furrow. "It seems you're not the only one with a hidden musical talent." A nervous smile plays on her lips.

I stand there dumbfounded, my mouth parted as I try to process everything that's happening. "What?" I finally manage to get out. I sit down on the piano bench, tapping my foot.

"Do you want to play something?" She asks, sitting back down in the chair.

"Umm.. Sure." I turn around on the piano bench, facing the piano. "What do you know?"

"A lot of things." She says, scooting to the edge of the seat. "I know classical all the way to today's top hits."

"What about like a good movie theme song." I suggest.

"Those are always fun. Got a particular one in mind?" She asks, swinging her bow back and forth on her finger.


"You're no help. I'll start listing some, you just veto the ones you don't want to play or don't know." She says and I nod.

"The Godfather?"

"Not feeling it."

"Okay um, Schidnler's List? The harp is often replaced with a piano."

"I like that one."

"Okay but, I vote Pirates of the Carribbean next." She says, a grin on her face.

"Solid choice." I say. "Are you ready?" I ask and she nods.

Placing her bow on the strings she starts playing the song.

I only make it a couple of notes in before I stop. Turning my head to see Aspen still going. Her eyes closed as she moved her fingers along the fingerboard. The music taking over her.

I just watch. She was amazing. She plays the whole song, and I let her. Not wanting her to ever stop.

"Oh, you stopped." She says, a sheepish smile on her face.

My eyes are slightly wide and my mouth is parted, "Um.. That was, that was amazing." I say and she smiles.

"Thanks." She scratches the back of her neck, looking nervous.

"Do you know Beethoven's 5 Secrets?" I ask.

"By The Piano Guys?" She asks.


"Yeah. They're cool. We should play it." She says and I grin.

"Okay, I know the violin part on here." I say, pointing to the keys in front of me.

"Cool." She says. "Their version of Rolling in the Deep is really good."

"That is. We can play it next."

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