ALIEN'ish: Scene 1( Intro)

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Introduction: We are at the new home of Andre (Dre) and Dr. Rainbow (Bow) Johnson. The camera pans the neighborhood to show that it is predominantly a black neighborhood. The camera continues to pan the inside of the home and we can see that there are still unopened boxes in various locations of the home. The camera then pans over and shows Dr. Rainbow Johnson sitting on the floor playing with Legos with her six-year-old son, Devante Johnson. Andre Johnson is sitting at the table working on a Macbook Pro. Diane Johnson, Johnson's seventeen-year-old daughter sits on the counter scrolling through her iPhone.

Diane: (speaking to Bow & Dre - still scrolling) So parentals... Do you think it would be OK to go out tonight?

Bow and Dre continue what they are doing.

Diane: (rolling her eyes at Dre) In other words, can a sis borrow someone's beamer?

Dre: (with attitude and not looking up from his computer) First of all, there is no beamer up in here, only (spoken in exaggeration - and looks up at Diane) a red Lamborghini Diablo!

Bow: (chimes in immediately towards Dre) ...that needs to go back to the dealership.

Dre: (rolls his eyes at Bow - then speaks to Diane) And second of all, No! That ship sailed last week when you got punished for breaking curfew. So no!

Bow: (spoken with attitude to Diane as she continues to play with Devante) Yes, lest we forget that somebody thinks she's grown too.

Diane: (trying to explain herself) Guys, that was not my fault...

The camera pans to Jack Johnson, Bow & Dre's seventeen-year-old son and Diane's fraternal twin. Jack enters the kitchen area where Diane stands trying to convince her parents to let her go out.

Jack: (chiming in as he rolls his eyes at Diane) I hope somebody is not thinking of blaming me again!

Diane: (turns to face Jack) Uhm... yes! All the blame, sir! All the blame!

Jack: (faces Diane to confront her) Diane, you were supposed to call mom and dad and tell them about the accident with your car. Not take it upon yourself to cover things up...

Bow: (towards Diane) ...and break a very steadfast curfew.

Dre: (in his computer and agreeing with Bow) Exactly! Case closed!

Bow: (towards Diane) So no! (to Jack) And you, did you finish arranging the garage?

Jack: (responding quickly and very militaristic ) Yes, ma'am! All done.

Dre: (to Jack) Boy, calm down. You ain't going out either!

Devante: (to Jack) Jack, come play with Lil B!

Bow: (getting up immediately) Yeah, Jack. Come play with your baby brother, Lil B, 'cause you ain't got nothing else to do. And Diane, you go finish arranging our new media room. (dances a small excited shimmy) Come, let me show you.

The camera pans Jack sitting down to play with Devante, as Bow takes Diane by the shoulders and leads her to the room off of the living room.

Diane: (complaining as she walks) You do realize this is wack, right?

Bow: (in agreement) Of course I do! It's wiggidy, wiggidy, wack! Why do you think you're doing it? Get to steppin'! (points to items in the media room boxes) Take those things out of the boxes over there and place them neatly on the shelves, please.

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