ALIEN'ish: Scene 6

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Scene Six: The camera pans to Bow and Dre entering their home. Bow is talking on her iPhone as she has called the hospital to let them know that she will not be able to assist in the heart surgery today. Bow is ending her conversation as she walks in a slight limp to go lie on the couch, she drops her purse and keys on a desk stationed near the entrance. 

Bow: (talking on her iPhone) Yeah, Greg. I'm just not feeling well enough to assist today. I'm sure Dr. Jenkins can take my place. (pause) Ok. (pause) Much success to the team! (pumps her fist) Yay!! Dr. Jenkins will take one for the team. (pause - lies back on the couch) Ok. See you soon. (pause) Bye. (disconnects call)  Woo! (pumps fist again- sounding exhausted) Dr. Jenkins to the rescue! (hand to chest - in a slight whisper) God bless, Dr. Jenkins.

Dre: (walks over to Bow) Babe, I'm gonna bring the foot bath out with some Epson salts. Imma hook it up for my boo! (kisses Bow on forehead)

Bow: (smiles as she brings Dre's face down and kisses Dre's lips in return) You are the best husband ever! (looks at Dre and holds on to his face) I just love you. (rubs Dre's beard)

Dre: (leaning in close to Bow's face) Listen, I can call Jax and tell him I gotta take care of my boo... (kisses Bow on the lips again) You, know, I can take care (winks at Bow) of you RIGHT, Bow. (leans in for another kiss)

Bow: (puts her hand up to stop the kiss from happening and makes the sound of a car breaking) Stop right there, Lil buddy. You do know how to take care of me, but right now, all I need is rest. The whole meteor thing kept me up most of the night. (serious tone) I'm tired, Dre, and my feet are towed up. (points down to her feet)

Dre: (makes a face) Bow, don't use "towed up" ever again, OK? (leans in a steals one last kiss) Can I get a raincheck to take care of you later?

Bow: (flirtatiously) But of course you can, lover (winks)

Dre: (getting up from the couch) Woo! Lover, eh? Ok, one Epson salt foot bath coming right up!

The camera pans to Dre walking away and Bow calls to him.

Bow: Dre, can you please hand me the TV remote?

Dre:  (grabs the remote from the coffee table and hands it to Bow) I thought you were going to rest?

Bow: (lying back on the couch) Yeah, but while my feet soak, can a Sistah watch some TV?

Bow turns the TV on and we hear the news playing in the background with a discussion of the meteor and asteroid. Dre enters carrying the foot bath. 

Dre: (holding the foot bath) I'm so glad that we charged this fully the last time it was used. It has about an hour left of power. (setting up the foot bath) Do you think you will need longer than an hour, babe?

Bow is removing her shoes slowly and as she does, the camera pans to her feet as we see the bruising and the cuts. Bow's feet also look a bit red and inflamed. Dre reacts to Bow's bruised feet.

Dre: (looking down at Bow's feet) Damn, babe. You really did a number on those feet. You may need longer than an hour.

Bow: (wiggles her feet in some pain) Nah... an hour is just perfect. (puts her feet in the foot bath) Ahhhhhh... feels so good. (Bow begins to make erotic sounds)

Dre: (looks at Bow as he stands up - sarcastically) Bow, can you please?! Stop trying to turn me on. You know I gotta go to work. Psssshhh!

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