ALIEN'ish: Scene 4

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Scene Four: (The morning after)The camera pans to Bow and Dre's bedroom, they are both fast asleep. The camera then pans to Bow lying on her pillow and shows her hair fuller and fluffier. The camera pans to Dre waking up and slowly getting out of bed and slightly stumbling into the bathroom as he closes the door behind him. We hear the flush of the toilet and the water running. Dre steps back out of the bathroom and he is brushing his teeth. He walks over to Bow and nudges her to wake up.

Dre: (brushing his teeth - walks over to Bow) Bow, wake up. (nudges Bow) Bow, wake up! (nudges Bow again) We can't be late, babe! (continues brushing his teeth)

The camera pans to Dre walking to the bathroom. He spits and rinses his teeth. He puts his toothbrush back in its holder and walks out of the bathroom. 

Dre: (walks over to Bow) Bow, come on babe! 

Bow: (stirring in her sleep - rubs her head) Huh?  (stirs then suddenly lifts her head) Oh, my God! What time is it?! (looks around in bed) Where's Lil B? (checking the bed) Where's DeVante?

Dre: (sits next to Bow on her side of the bed) Bow, relax. Diane is getting him dressed and ready.

As Bow slowly starts to sit up in bed, Diane enters and looks at Bow. Diane notices that Bow's hair is bigger and sees how exhausted she looks. Dre walks into his walk-in closet to begin dressing.

Diane: (to Bow) Woah! Are you OK? -Bow rolls her eyes at Diane- Ok, what do you want me to put on Lil B? 

Bow: (still groggy) Oh! (to Diane) Baby, hung up in my closet, I got him a new outfit. (begins to get up out of bed) Let me get it. 

Bow walks into the closet and then walks back out with a polo shirt, and a pair of khakis. Bow hands Diane the items and then turns to address Dre.

Bow: (speaking to Dre who is still in the closet) Dre, you got his new shoes, right?

Dre: (coming out of the walk-in closet) Oh, yeah!  Hold up, Diane. (walks back into the closet and comes back out carrying the shoe box) Here you go. (hands Diane the shoe box)

Diane exits the bedroom. Dre walks over to Bow who has sat back down on the edge of the bed near her nightstand. Bow is scrolling through her iPhone. Dre looks at Bow and notices that somehow she looks different. 

Dre: (seeming worried) Bow, you Ok? (Dre sits down next to Bow) 

Bow: (putting her iPhone back down) Yeah.  Just had a restless night...

Dre looks down at Bow's feet and notices that she has some cuts and bruises on them.

Dre: (worried) Bow, what happened to your feet?!

Dre gets down on his knees to examine Bow's feet.

Dre: (touching Bow's feet) Baby, how in the world... did you...

Bow looks down at her feet and she looks back up at Dre. Bow looks back down at her feet and a look of concern and confusion comes over her face.

Bow: (genuinely surprised) Oh my... (examines her feet) Babe, I must've been sleepwalking last night. You know how I do when I experience stress. This house is also all new to me... (examines the bruises and cuts on her feet)

Dre: (confused) But babe... outside? Like in the brush out front? (shrugs) Well, the landscaping people still do have come out to... (again looks at Bow's feet)  Sleepwalking? Really?

Bow: Dre, when I sleepwalk, I don't know where I'm going... (Bow stands up and winces a bit) Ok, let me go clean my feet and treat them. I'll have to wear my tennis shoes today. (walks toward the bathroom) Let me go get ready. (trying to walk quickly - in some pain) I promise I'll be ready in fifteen minutes. 

The camera pans to Dre still sitting on the edge of the bed with a look of confusion on his face and looking around baffled. 

Dre: (confused) Sleepwalking??

End Scene

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