ALIEN'ish: Scene 9

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Scene Nine: The camera pans to Bow and Dre in the SUV. Bow is at the wheel driving down the streets of LA. She has both hands on the wheel and Dre is fumbling through trying to find a song on his audio playlist. Dre stops on multiple songs and continues to fumble nervously through song after song, obviously annoying Bow. Dre slightly begins to panic.

Bow: (looks over at Dre briefly) Dre... Breathe! And pick a song!!

Dre: (begins to breathe deeply and then screams) Ahhhhhhhh!!

Dre continues to make tiny screams trying to breathe and calm himself down.

Bow: (raising her voice) Dre! Breathe!!!

Dre: (stops himself and tries to breathe again then stops) Bow, what in Alien hell?!!! (turns to Bow) Bow?! (panics again and screams) Ahhhhh!! (Dre screams again in horror and continues to try and relax).

Bow: (breathes herself) Ok, I'm going to pull over and give you the run down, but I need you to relax. Ok?

Dre: (breathing and panicking at the same time) Black Jesus! Please help me! (crying and breathing)

Bow: (trying to find a place to pull into) Let me see...

Dre: (spotting an In/Out Burger) Ok, pull into the In/Out Burger and get me something! I need food. I need to calm my nerves.

Bow: (pulls into the drive-thru at lightning speed) Hell, I can use me a burger right up about now too!

Dre: (suddenly in shock) Oh my God! Bow, are we being followed by (looks out the window) the light thing?? (looks out the window as if searching for something)

Bow: (pulls out of the drive-thru in a hurry) Dre, we don't have time for this!

Dre: (holds onto his heart) Oh my God! It's gonna kill us, Bow?! That Alien light thing? It's gonna kill us! Oh my God! We gotta go get the kids and go into our fallout shelter!!

Bow: (looks over at Dre confused for a second as she continues to drive) What fallout shelter? We don't have a fallout shelter, do we?

Dre: (breathes) Our new house, Bow! It has a fallout shelter! (continues to mumble random information about the new house)

Bow: (shaking her head vigorously in an upset) I'm not going back there, Dre! No! 

Dre begins to panic and scream in between mumbling.

Bow: (turns to Dre) Dre! Focus! Ok?! Breathe! Ok, long story short, Remsor...

Dre: (confused and upset) Remsor?!

Bow: (frustrated) Yes! Remsor! That's the light source's name. Remsor. (looks at Dre quickly as she continues to drive) Listen to me carefully, Dre, and do not talk, OK?

Dre: (in a whimper-about-to-cry voice) Ok? (whimpers)

Bow: (takes a deep breath) OK, early this morning, about 3 am, I woke up to go to the bathroom. I put water on my face... there was Remsor. I saw him... it... her? How do I know it's not her?

Dre: (confused) In the bathroom? So you saw her or him in the bathroom? (begins to anxiously ramble nonsense talking about aliens)

Bow: (upset) Dre! Listen, please! Yes, in the bathroom! (breathes and relaxes) It looked at me... and then it stared at me... until... (looks at Dre briefly - still driving) it got... in me.

Dre reacts to Bow saying, "In me." He looks down toward Bow's crotch area in utter horror.

Dre: (looking at Bow's crotch then her face) It-got-in-you, Bow?? (whimpers) It violated my bae?!

Bow: (snaps her fingers toward Dre while still driving) Dre! Stay with me! No! It just got in my body somehow...

Dre: (even more in horror) It... got in your body, Bow? You mean, I slept with Remsor last night and not you? (Dre whimpers a bit and rocks back and forth)

Bow continues to drive the SUV at a steady speed and she becomes a bit emotional at the thought of having Remsor in her body.

Bow: (upset - almost in tears) Dre, I am not playing with you! (breathes and tries to relax) Do you recall in the morning my feet were hurt and bruised?? (crying)

Dre: (whimpers) Uh huh...

Bow: (breathes)  Well, what I think happened was Remsor, while in me, made me go to search for his way back home... (breathes) it's how I hurt my feet outside.

Dre: (slightly whimpering) Bow, can I get off this ride now? I wanna get off, Bow! (looks at Bow weirdly and uncomfortably) Meet me outside, Bow! I - need - out! (tries to mess with the door)

The camera pans over to Bow driving quickly into the nearest parking lot and parking the SUV. Bow turns to Dre after she parks.

Bow: (holds Dre's face in her hands) Dre, you are OK... Breathe... let's breathe, (Bow takes a deep breath while holding Dre's face) Breathe...

Dre: (close to Bow's face with her hands still holding his face and making his face look smushed) Bow, how do you know all of this?

Bow: (letting go of Dre's face) Remsor told me somehow. I wrote some more stuff in my journal... but listen, let's go get the kids, and then I gotta get to the hospital...

Dre: (looks at Bow sincerely) Bow, did it hurt you in any way?

Bow: (looking at her hands and body) Not really. I don't feel hurt in any way. I actually feel good! Like... rejuvenated somehow. (breaths deeply) And you won't believe this, but Remsor healed my feet! And when I looked down, my feet were completely dried! Pfff! Go figure!

Dre: (looks at Bow up and down suspiciously) So at the hospital, are you gonna have them check you out? (moves away in a little fear) You know, check for any kinks? (points to her crotch)

Bow: (rolls her eyes) No, Dre! I need to go see Dr. Franklin. He's our neuroscientist. Oh! And Dr. Strangler. I have so many questions, but I can't take them to just anyone. (stops suddenly) Oh my God, Dre!! What if I have to stay for tests?! They gonna probe my body if I tell them everything!

Dre: Oh Bow! Remsor was in you! And they will probably want to quarantine you. (looks up) Black Jesus! (looks at Bow) You may have to think about this... (turns and looks at Bow worried and anxious) 

As Bow and Dre sit in the SUV thinking, the camera pans a view of the street where they have parked and from a distance, Bow, and Dre both spot Remsor slowly making its way toward them. Both Bow and Dre turn to one another and panic. Bow restarts the vehicle and pulls out of the parking lot at great speed.

End Scene


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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