ALIEN'ish: Scene 7

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Scene Seven:  The camera pans to Bow continuing to drive, singing, with beads of sweat running down the temples of her forehead. The camera pans to show Bow driving down the streets of LA and we see the signs that indicate that she is driving towards LAX. As Bow nears a specifically designated area, she approaches a location where we see some barricades blocking off the area. Bow suddenly pulls her car over close to the barricades and parks. The camera pans a closeup of  Bow's face as she notices that no one is around, and there are signs that say "KEEP OUT."

Bow sits in her car for a moment as she continues to struggle to maintain control. There are beads of sweat forming on her temples and they are all aglow. The camera pans to Bow looking out the window and noticing a soft warm light off in the distance. As Bow notices the light, her own eyes become aglow with the same warm soft light as if making a connection. Bow stays transfixed on the soft, warm light in the distance by looking out of her windshield. The camera once again does a closeup of Bow's face to show that there is an inner struggle that Bow continues to have - the light within seems to want Bow to get out of the vehicle, but Bow wants to remain inside, so she holds tight to the steering wheel with both hands.

Suddenly the light within Bow regains some of its control over her and it forces Bow out of the vehicle. Bow stands by her car fighting the desire to walk towards the warm glowing light. She looks around as if to check to see if anyone is watching her. Bow begins to take steps toward the light but she fights the urge to continue to move forward with all of her might. She suddenly turns around, with great force, and walks back to her SUV. The camera pans to Bow's face with flowing sweat beads on her forehead. Bow continues her emotional and physical battle with the light within, and suddenly Bow regains inner strength, which indicates that the light has lost its battle, and for a second, Bow becomes angry and bangs her hand on the hood of her car. Bow stands stunned and in shock as the light within separates from Bow's body and emerges to stand next to Bow as if looking at her in disbelief.

The camera pans to Bow shaking her head vigorously as she stands in disbelief that she is now completely herself and separated from the light. The camera pans to the light that is now standing next to Bow. The light source stands slightly taller than Bow and it glows very brightly. Bow turns to face the light fearfully. The light source is outlined in the shape of a praying mantis. Its limbs on the side of its body, an indication of arms, are long and seem to come to a point that looks like long fingernails. The light source's head resembles that of a housefly with two big eyes that protrude out the side.

Bow: (screaming at the light in anger) Leave me alone! Please! (crying and begging) Leave me alone! Go away! (Bow runs to the driver's side of her SUV and grabs the handle, opens the door, and gets in)

The camera pans to Bow flooring her SUV and taking off down the street at great speed.  Inside Bow's SUV, she continues to sweat near her forehead and temples. Bow frantically drives not knowing exactly where she is going. She begins to press buttons on the console looking to play music, frantically. Suddenly the music comes on and startles Bow. The song "Made You Look" by Megan Trainor blares loudly. Bow doesn't adjust the volume and continues to drive.

The source of light in the shape of a praying mantis stands in the same spot it was left when Bow drove away. The light turns to face the direction that Bow was headed. The camera quickly shifts and pans back to Bow in her car with Megan Trainor's song blasting and Bow crying tears nervously. Bow Begins to sing the song loudly and passionately to help shake her anxiety. In the distance, the light in the shape of a praying mantis begins to fade completely until it is no longer there.

Bow: (singing loudly) "I could have my Gucci on (Gucci on) I could wear my Louis Vuitton, But even with nothin' on, Bet I made you look (I made you look). Yeah, I look good in my Versace dress (take it off), But I'm hotter when my morning hair's a mess, 'Cause even with my hoodie on. Bet I made you look (I made you look)." (begins to self-positive talk) Bow, you are OK! You will be OK. Just breathe. Relax. (sounding confused) But how can I relax when I had a weird light thing inside me?? (Bow shudders in disgust) Oh! My! God! My body had some weird, alien thing inside it! (Bow whimpers slightly) Bow, stop it! Man up, Bow! Wait! Woman up, Bow! Woman up! (pause) Wait! What was that thing?! Where did it come from?? Oh my God! I, Dr. Rainbow Johnson had a light source, an alien-like thing... (pause) Was that a huge praying mantis ALIEN?! (pause) Oh my God! (slightly frantic) Let me pull over! (pause) No, Bow! Keep going! (continues to drive quickly) Wait! Where am I going? I gotta call my therapist! (still driving - phone rings through the car audio)

Car Audio: "Call from Dre - Would you like to answer it?"

Bow: Oh! (self-talk in a slight whisper) Bow, relax! Calm down, and Breathe. (response to audio) Answer call! (tries to sound calm) Hey, babe! Are you Ok?

Dre's voice is heard over the SUV's audio system.

Dre: (audio) Yeah, I'm good. Just wanted to check in on my bae. How was that foot bath?

Bow: (maintaining her calm) It was good, Dre! It did its thing!

Dre: (audio - sounding curious) Babe, where are you? It doesn't sound like you are home. (pause) Wait. I just checked your location, what are you doing near Sepulveda Blvd?

Bow: (slight panic - in one breath) I had to run to Sephora to pick up mascara and got turned around. You know how I do. I wanted to take care of this before picking up the kids.

Dre: (audio) Bow, you still have almost two hours... Bow? What's going on? You've been acting strange since this morning. (pause) You don't want me to go into business with Jax, do you?

Bow: (trying to take the attention away from herself) Well, to be honest, I think you got this, Dre. I think you can handle things on your own. Just keep Jax as your assistant/investor. How does that sound?

Dre: (audio) Wow! You are serious, aren't you? You hate Jax, don't you?

The camera pans to Bow reaching the driveway of her home. 

Bow: (trying to distract Dre from asking her questions) Dre, I don't hate Jax... (pulls into her driveway) He's cool peeps. He does a fab job. He would actually make a great partner. (pause - looks around) Just not yours...

Dre: (audio - sounding confused) What??

The camera pans to Bow parking her SUV on the driveway and getting out in a hurry, still holding her phone in hand.

End Scene

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