ALIEN'ish: Scene 5

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Scene Five: The camera pans to the outside of Devante's elementary school. Bow, Dre, and Devante are exiting their vehicle. The camera then pans to Dre, Bow, and Devante walking down the hallway and heading to Devante's classroom. There are kids and other parents arriving. Some families are saying their goodbyes to their children. Bow is wincing slightly as she tries to walk briskly down the hallway as she and Dre hold Devante's hand. They reach Devante's classroom and his teacher is standing outside by the door greeting the parents and children. 

Mrs. Soto: (cheerfully) Hi, Mr., and Dr. Johnson!

Bow: (embarrassed she does not recall the teacher's name) Hi...

Mrs. Soto: (shaking Bow's hand & then Dre's hand) Mrs. Soto. (pause) It's OK. I don't expect everyone to remember my name after orientation.

Bow: (embarrassed) I'm so sorry. (pause) Do you know where we will be having Devante's meeting?

Devante stands close to both Bow and Dre and does not move from their side.

Mrs. Soto: Oh, yes! When my paraprofessional, Miss Dean, comes back from the office, she will stay in the classroom to watch the children with the classroom sub, Ms. Smilth to help while we meet. The children will do the first-day-of-school activity while I'm at the meeting. (reassuring) My class has ten students, with the help of the sub, coupled with my paraprofessional, they will do great! (Mrs. Soto notices Bow and Dre's look of worry) I'm confident Miss Dean and Ms. Smith will be fine.

Bow: (bends down to talk to Devante) Ok, Lil B, mommy, and daddy will come back to say goodbye after we come back from our meeting.

Mrs. Soto: (clears her throat to get Bow's attention) Dr. Johnson, when we are done with our meeting Devante will be having fun (bends down to face Devante) making new friends, and making Mrs. Soto a wonderful new piece of artwork! Right, Devante?

Devante: (semi-excited) Right!

Bow: (embarrassed again) You are absolutely right. And Devante (bends down to meet Devante's gaze) is a wonderful artist, right baby? (looks up at Dre)

Dre: (a little nervous) Yes. My Lil man is an incredible artist.

Bow: Devante, mommy, and daddy will be here to pick you up after school. You go in there and have a good time. (Bow kisses Devante)

Bow looks straight ahead at the children in the classroom and the laughter and squeals are resonating in her ears. Bow begins to hold her ears and turns around to not face the children in the classroom. Bow shuts her eyes.

Mrs. Soto: Are you ok, Dr. Johnson.  -  Dre: Are you ok, Babe? (reaching for Bow)

Bow: (bringing her hands down from her ears) Yes... yes... I'm sorry. I hurt my feet last night and for some reason, my ears are super sensitive this morning. 

Dre: (holding Bow) Babe, you want to sit for a bit?

Bow: (false smiling) No, baby. I'm Ok...

Miss Dean walks into the classroom from the other door.

Mrs. Soto: (smiles) There's Miss Dean. (turns to lead the way) This way to the conference room. (walks down the hall) We will meet with the asst principal, our psychologist, our school speech pathologist, and our occupational therapist.

Dre: (walking behind Mrs. Soto - a bit nervous) We have to meet with all those people??

Bow gives Dre a look that indicates to him that she is displeased and to stop talking.

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