ALIEN'ish: Scene 3

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Scene Three: The camera pans to Diane's bedroom and we see she is asleep, phone in hand, hair bonnet on, and we notice a baby monitor on Diane's nightstand to Devante's empty bed. The camera then pans to Jack's bedroom and we see him asleep with the blankets on the floor and his phone on his nightstand charging indicating the time of 3:10 am. The camera then pans to Dre and Bow's bedroom and we see Devante asleep in between Bow and Dre. The camera pans to Devante stirring in bed and shows Bow begin to stir and wake. Bow turns to check on Devante. She caresses Devante's face and kisses his forehead. Bow then turns to check on Dre and sees he is sound asleep. Bow attempts to lie back down on her pillow, but we notice that she is now wide awake. She looks over at her nightstand and notices that the time on her phone indicates 3:15 AM. 

Bow sits up and picks up her iPhone and sees a few news notifications that discuss the earthquake, the meteorite, and the asteroid. Bow swipes the notifications closed and she puts her iPhone back down on her nightstand. Bow proceeds to get up out of the bed and slips her house shoes on and walks towards the bathroom. The only light in her bedroom that is on is a small lamp on a glass table near the couch at the other end of the bedroom.

 Bow walks into the bathroom and stops in front of the mirror to look at her face. She massages her temples and proceeds to do some mouth/jaw exercises. Bow closes her eyes as she continues to massage her temples and her face. From a viewer's perspective, we can see that Bow is a bit anxious and seems worried. Upon opening her eyes, Bow sees a piercingly bright light in the shape of an orb enter the bathroom through the small window behind her in her stand-up shower. Bow closes her eyes and splashes water on her face, then proceeds to dry herself off with the hand towel sitting by the sink. Bow blinks her eyes profusely to try and blink away the piercing bright orb that is dancing up and down behind her that she can see in the mirror in front of her. Bow goes to let out a scream but instantly puts her hand over her mouth to stifle it. She slowly turns around to face the bright orb still dancing behind her, and when she faces the orb, she can make out a form that surrounds the orb that goes all the way down to the tiled floor. Bow slowly backs into the sink as she tries not to make a sound out of fear of startling Devante out of his sleep, but Bow soon realizes that even when she tries to make a sound, she cannot. A look of panic comes over Bow's face as she continues to try and make a sound, but cannot achieve doing so. She slowly faces the orb, which by now has stopped moving and stands firm facing Bow. 

Bow continues to examine the orb to try and make sense of what is taking place right in front of her, and she realizes that the orb seems to play the role of a face within the shape that is formed around it. Bow now realizes that she cannot move as she tries to inch her way to the door. As Bow continues to struggle to exit the bathroom, the Orb, and its form surrounding it, continues to inch its way toward Bow. The closer the orb gets to Bow's face, the brighter it gets. Bow, close to tears, opens and closes her eyes multiple times. The orb proceeds to slowly go around Bow forming a slow circle of light. Bow stands very still and slowly goes from seeming very nervous to seeming very relaxed but still focused on the orb. The orb begins to slowly go up and down the sides of Bow's body. Bow is transfixed on the orb and its movements, being unable to make a move, and slowly begins to be lifted off the ground. 

The camera pans back to the master bedroom where Dre and Devante are fast asleep. Dre stirs in his sleep as he moves Devante's leg from his rib cage. In that instance, the camera pans back to the bathroom with Bow and the orb. The orb stops movement the instance when Dre stirred in the bed. Bow's body stayed frozen in slight midair, transfixed on the orb, when Dre stirred on the bed. The orb continues to slightly circle Bow, and it slowly begins to move away from her to create some distance between itself and Bow. Bow stands slightly aglow facing the Orb, and it stands still in front of Bow. Bow's body is still aglow and still slightly in midair. She outstretches her left hand to reach the orb and she tries to touch its shining light. The orb stands still until Bow finalizes her touch that goes straight through the orb and its light. Bow lowers her hand and watches as the orb begins to change its bright warm color and begin to display a series of cool colors, and once again dances in a slow movement. This time Bow's emotions seem different while watching the orb. The Orb slowly moves closer to Bow and she closes her eyes once again and holds her arms slightly outstretched as if welcoming the orb. 

The orb slowly moves closer and closer toward Bow. The orb proceeds to slowly move straight into Bow's body, by way of her upper torso. For a series of seconds, Bow's body slightly shivers as her eyes shoot wide open. Bow's face slightly changes as she slowly stops shivering from the orb's entrance into her body. Bow stays frozen as the orb slowly releases her stance in midair and slowly lands her feet back on the tiled floor. Bow stands for a few seconds without movement. Then She walks towards the mirror and examines herself looking intently at her reflection. The changes on Bow's face are subtle but noticeable.  We notice that her hair is fuller, her eyes are brighter and her hands seem somewhat bigger. Bow looks at herself deeply for a few seconds, and we notice as she then closes her eyes and reopens them. Bow splashes a little water onto her face and once again she wipes her face dry with the hand towel that sits on the sink counter. 

Bow steps out of the bathroom slowly and cautiously, she closes the bathroom door behind her. The camera pans to Dre sleeping soundly and deeply, and then to Bow tiptoeing towards her side of the bed, and she climbs into bed trying not to wake Devante and Dre. Bow tucks Devante into bed and kisses him on the forehead. Bow then proceeds to make herself comfortable and she is seen lying back on her pillow. Bow closes her eyes and then reopens them. The camera pans to a close-up of Bow's eyes aglow as she lies transfixed looking forward. Bow's face relaxes slowly and her eyes close as she smiles her way back to sleep.

End Scene

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