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"To greed, all nature is insufficient"


Location: Nephtir camp

The peaceful and good atmosphere was interrupted by bloodied Khaos barging to the commander's tent

"YOU LIED TO ME! YOU HAVE GIVEN ME INFORMATION THAT OBELIA'S CROWN PRINCE IS INEXPERIENCED!" was Khaos complain to the shocked commander while holding his dislocated right arm

Khaos tried to heal himself with his mana and yet the other severe cuts is not healing

'여 보 put too much cuts and its hard to heal them as well, did he hurt me for the plan or he just want an excuse to hurt me?' He asked himself sweatdropping

"Are you really sure that the one you have tried to assassinate was the crown prince, Argen!" Nephtir's commander asked again

"Why would i even lie! I have done everything to kill him and yet i couldn't even land a cut on that little shit!" Khaos defended himself

'여 보 should give me my reward for bein a great actor'

"Are you really strong as what they say?! That weakling of a loser prince would never be that hard to kill!"

"Then why don't you go ahead and kill him yourself" Khaos said darkly leaving the commander's tent

" You will still serve us, i payed for your service so stay and be a good use to us" was the commander said before Khaos could leave fully

As he smirk to himself finally away to the camp and going to his hidden tent

"There's no way, i already have someone to serve to. I am only doing this because this is what they asked. Adrastos is my master and the only man i will serve" He mumbled smiling crazily while thinking of the blonde prince.


Adrastos experienced a restless night, whenever he closes his eyes all the traumatic things that happened to him keeps on haunting him not forgetting the heartwrenching words his father had said.

"There will never a day i will consider you as my child, to me you are just a mere heir. Once i find better and fit ruler you will be as useless as a ragged doll"

He could never experience a good sleep at all with all the paranoia of getting assassinate anytime in his bed never left his mind.

'I do not fear death. I fear of dying without getting to achieve anything in my life, without knowing my value in life' He thought while holding a cup of tea glaring at his reflection.

The more Adrastos look at himself the more he hated his eyes, it simply disgust him how it always reminded him how much his people have high expectations from him and how his eyes resembled his excuse of a father.

"Glaring at your tea is mean don't you think so your highness?" A vocie snap him at his thought

"Do you have any report to give?"

"The information that i have gathered is useless, they are just asking for more reinforcement and planning to ask for the other countries support, seems like the other are afraid to fight your empire" Khaos said snatching the now cold tea on Adrastos hand sipping it

"You can finish that, it is not for my preference"

"But Lippea tea is enjoyed by many people?" Khaos asked out of curiosity

"The taste is disgusting, how can i enjoy its taste the smell itself makes me want to spill my guts" Adrastos insulted grumbling

"Then let me finish this up for you, your highness" Khaos said which only made Adrastos do what he wants.


No one is expecting this outcome not even Adrastos as he was met by the sight of lifeless bodies of his comrades but he was more horrified seeing how severe Kyrell's injury is.


"How did this happen?!"Asked by Commander Montgomery

"While we were in patrol we were under attack by the enemy" A knight who is almost on the verge of dying explained

" A surprise attack huh?, my plan will totally go to fail. Seems like i have to change it" Adrastos said clenching his teeth as he glared at nothing

"Where is the physicians?!" Adrastos demanded making the people more panick, "So not only did his majesty send a few people but did not provide a physician as well?!" He continued after realizing the situation as he clicked his tounge ordering the knight to find a physician or someone who had knowledge of healing on the village they visited once.


"Kanna Hearst was it?"

"Y-yes your highness!" She squeaked clearly intimidated with how Adrastos look at her with also how his mana is seeping out

"How are you certain that you can provide help and heal my men?"

"I am positive, i have a fair share of knowledge with this type of situation your highness! i beg you to give this lowly human a chance to aid you!" Kanna kneeled making Adrastos sigh as stand up ordering the knights nearby

"Very well. Then please protect our only healer and do not let anyone harm her" Adrastos commanded which the knights salute

Adrastos left as his gaze hardened walking towards the commander and utter the words he wanted to say

"I'll be commencing my plan now whether you agree to it or not" He stated making the Commander Montgomery but stopped himself remembering the royak physician's word to him

"If the crown prince wishes to do something, do not decline and just agree ." Was the Physician's word

"And why should i not disagree?"

"He is powerful."

"Are you certain? From what i gathered his mana is weak, how can i let a helpless kid fight?" Montgomery asked agitated completely clueless

"You don't understand, he doesn't want to know this but his mana is powerful, powerful than any. Just listen and let him do his business" The physician said again as he look at Montgomery

"He is absolute"

to be continued

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