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"The world is just an elaborate tapestry of lies"


"Your highness the carriage is ready" Darcio informed Adrastos who is looking at his reflection

"I'll be there" He said, after his outburst earlier he cannot help but to feel the discomfort meeting and bidding a farewell to his father.

'He dare ask for forgiveness in his drunken state, as if i could forgive him' He thought as he made a stride towards the throne room

"Your majesty, i will now be departing" He said bowing not really caring if Claude responded but he did receive a hum from him.

'of course as always' He thought deadpanning at the response he receive

"I'll be off now your majesty, do not worry. I'll be back and focus on my 'responsibilities' " He said before turning back but before that Claude called him

" It has been a while since you've called me your father" He stated making Adrastos scoff a bit

"You have told me before that i should stop addressing you as my father your majesty for in your eyes i am nothing but a mere heir to the throne. I shall address you to as you see fit and i am only following your order" He answered placing his right hand to his chest

Claude couldn't respond to what Adrastos answered he remembered he indeed told him that he shouldn't address him as his father.

"If his majesty has nothing more to say then i bid my farewell the way to Zixuan is quite long. Blessings and glory to the Sun of Obelia"


It took Adrastos and Khaos thirteen hours to arrive at Zixuan, by the border he saw the great landscape and how prosperous the empire is and he could not help but feel amazed. Not long enough they reach the capital and there's a lot of people who stared at him and murmured to each other either by surprise or curiosity. Arriving at his grandparents house he saw Three figures waiting there so he guessed it is his grandparents, but who is the other one? he wondered

Once the carriage stopped Adrastos took his time to go down and greet his grandparent with formality and a gentle smile

"Thank you for waiting grandmother, grandfather. I apologize if we took too long" He said while making a curtsy bow and smile when he was hugged by the other person beside his grandparents

" My nephew aiya! You don't know how much we've longed for your visit!" The guy said as Adrastos flinch from the sudden affection

' My mother has a brother? I never heard of him not even from Xifeng' He thought when his uncle got pulled back by his grandfather

"Huazheng have some manner!" His grandfather scolded his uncle and Adrastos could not help but be amused

First impression was interesting

"Aiya! I am only showing how much i want to meet my nephew papa!" Huazheng said with a sad expression

" I apologize for your uncle's behavior, grandson"

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